
Cryo-EM structure of autoinhibited human talin-1

Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage

PF01608I/LWEQ domain (I_LWEQ)I/LWEQ domain- Family
PF02174PTB domain (IRS-1 type) (IRS)PTB domain (IRS-1 type)Domain
PF21692Talin, R4 domain (Talin_R4)Talin, R4 domainTalin is a cytoskeletal protein that plays a critical role in the formation of cell adhesions and regulation of integrin signalling. It activates integrins, couples them to F-actin, and recruits vinculin to focal adhesions [1-5]. It is a long protein ...Domain
PF08913Vinculin Binding Site (VBS)Vinculin Binding SiteVinculin binding sites are predominantly found in talin and talin-like molecules, enabling binding of vinculin to talin, stabilising integrin-mediated cell-matrix junctions. Talin, in turn, links integrins to the actin cytoskeleton. The consensus seq ...Domain
PF09141Talin, middle domain (Talin_middle)Talin, middle domainMembers of this family adopt a structure consisting of five alpha helices that fold into a bundle. They contain a Vinculin binding site (VBS) composed of a hydrophobic surface spanning five turns of helix four. Activation of the VBS causes subsequent ...Domain
PF21896Talin IBS2B domain (Talin_IBS2B)Talin IBS2B domainThis entry represents the Talin IBS2B domain. Talin is an adaptor protein that activates integrin family of cell adhesion molecules and couples them to the actin cytoskeleton. The integrin activation is known to involve binding of the talin FERM doma ...Domain
PF21865Talin 1-like, rod segment domain (TLN1-like_RS)Talin 1-like, rod segment domainThis domain is found repeated in human Talin-1 (TLN1) and similar proteins mainly found in animals. Talin is an essential component in focal adhesions (FAs), intracellular protein assemblies that serve as tension-sensing anchoring points to link cell ...Domain

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ChainsPolymerMolecular FunctionBiological ProcessCellular Component