Talin is a cytoskeletal protein that plays a critical role in the formation of cell adhesions and regulation of integrin signalling. It activates integrins, couples them to F-actin, and recruits vinculin to focal adhesions [1-5]. It is a long protein ...
Talin is a cytoskeletal protein that plays a critical role in the formation of cell adhesions and regulation of integrin signalling. It activates integrins, couples them to F-actin, and recruits vinculin to focal adhesions [1-5]. It is a long protein comprising an N-terminal globular head and a long C-terminal rod which has 13 helical bundles (R1-R13) organized into a compact cluster of four-helix bundles (R2-R4) within a linear chain of five-helix bundles. Nine of the helical bundles contain vinculin-binding sites (VBS), one of them is R4, represented in this entry [2].
Vinculin binding sites are predominantly found in talin and talin-like molecules, enabling binding of vinculin to talin, stabilising integrin-mediated cell-matrix junctions. Talin, in turn, links integrins to the actin cytoskeleton. The consensus seq ...
Vinculin binding sites are predominantly found in talin and talin-like molecules, enabling binding of vinculin to talin, stabilising integrin-mediated cell-matrix junctions. Talin, in turn, links integrins to the actin cytoskeleton. The consensus sequence for Vinculin binding sites is LxxAAxxVAxxVxxLIxxA, with a secondary structure prediction of four amphipathic helices. The hydrophobic residues that define the VBS are themselves 'masked' and are buried in the core of a series of helical bundles that make up the talin rod [1].
Members of this family adopt a structure consisting of five alpha helices that fold into a bundle. They contain a Vinculin binding site (VBS) composed of a hydrophobic surface spanning five turns of helix four. Activation of the VBS causes subsequent ...
Members of this family adopt a structure consisting of five alpha helices that fold into a bundle. They contain a Vinculin binding site (VBS) composed of a hydrophobic surface spanning five turns of helix four. Activation of the VBS causes subsequent recruitment of Vinculin, which enables maturation of small integrin/talin complexes into more stable adhesions. Formation of the complex between VBS and Vinculin requires prior unfolding of this middle domain: once released from the talin hydrophobic core, the VBS helix is then available to induce the 'bundle conversion' conformational change within the vinculin head domain thereby displacing the intramolecular interaction with the vinculin tail, allowing vinculin to bind actin [1].
This entry represents the Talin IBS2B domain. Talin is an adaptor protein that activates integrin family of cell adhesion molecules and couples them to the actin cytoskeleton. The integrin activation is known to involve binding of the talin FERM doma ...
This entry represents the Talin IBS2B domain. Talin is an adaptor protein that activates integrin family of cell adhesion molecules and couples them to the actin cytoskeleton. The integrin activation is known to involve binding of the talin FERM domain to membrane proximal sequences in the cytoplasmic domain of the integrin beta-subunit. IBS2 is a second integrin-binding site that has been identified near the C-terminal end of the talin rod. The crystal structure of IBS2 reveals two five-helix bundles, IBS2-A and IBS2-B, connected by a continuous helix. The Talin IBS2B domain is essential for integrin binding, binding to acidic phospholipids, and targeting to focal adhesions. The domain comprises a tandem pair of five-helix bundles with the same topology, comprising five anti-parallel alpha-helices [1]. This entry represents the second of the two domains. This domain is also found in Talin rod domain-containing protein 1, an actin-binding protein that may have an oncogenic function and regulates cell proliferation, migration and invasion in cancer cells [2].
This domain is found repeated in human Talin-1 (TLN1) and similar proteins mainly found in animals. Talin is an essential component in focal adhesions (FAs), intracellular protein assemblies that serve as tension-sensing anchoring points to link cell ...
This domain is found repeated in human Talin-1 (TLN1) and similar proteins mainly found in animals. Talin is an essential component in focal adhesions (FAs), intracellular protein assemblies that serve as tension-sensing anchoring points to link cells to the extracellular environment. This protein plays a key regulatory role in FA dynamics, similar to the activation and inactivation of integrins. It consists of a globular head, a long rod made of 62 helices forming 13 helical bundle (rod segment, RS) domains, and a dimerisation (DD) motif at the C terminus. This entry represents four of these domains, RS 5, 6, 9 and 11 [6,7].
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