Middle assembly intermediate of the Trypanosoma brucei mitoribosomal small subunit

Domain Annotation: SCOP2 Classification SCOP2 Database Homepage

ChainsTypeFamily Name Domain Identifier Family IdentifierProvenance Source (Version)
LB [auth Fc]SCOP2B SuperfamilyACP-like 8095575 3001805 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)

Domain Annotation: ECOD Classification ECOD Database Homepage

ChainsFamily NameDomain Identifier ArchitecturePossible HomologyHomologyTopologyFamilyProvenance Source (Version)
E [auth CF]Ribosomal_S6_1e7puaCF1 A: a+b two layersX: Alpha-beta plaitsH: Ribosomal protein S6 (From Topology)T: Ribosomal protein S6F: Ribosomal_S6_1ECOD (1.6)
GB [auth FP]ADP_ribosyl_GHe7puaFP1 A: alpha bundlesX: ADP-ribosylglycohydrolase (From Topology)H: ADP-ribosylglycohydrolase (From Topology)T: ADP-ribosylglycohydrolaseF: ADP_ribosyl_GHECOD (1.6)
LB [auth Fc]PP-bindinge7puaFc1 A: alpha bundlesX: ACP-likeH: Acyl-carrier protein (ACP) (From Topology)T: Acyl-carrier protein (ACP)F: PP-bindingECOD (1.6)

Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage

N [auth CQ]PF00366Ribosomal protein S17 (Ribosomal_S17)Ribosomal protein S17Domain
D [auth CE]PF03719Ribosomal protein S5, C-terminal domain (Ribosomal_S5_C)Ribosomal protein S5, C-terminal domainDomain
PA [auth DT]PF00581Rhodanese-like domain (Rhodanese)Rhodanese-like domainRhodanese has an internal duplication. This Pfam represents a single copy of this duplicated domain. The domain is found as a single copy in other proteins, including phosphatases and ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolases. Domain
QA [auth DU]PF00240Ubiquitin family (ubiquitin)Ubiquitin familyThis family contains a number of ubiquitin-like proteins: SUMO (smt3 homologue) (see Swiss:Q02724), Nedd8 (see Swiss:P29595), Elongin B (see Swiss:Q15370), Rub1 (see Swiss:Q9SHE7), and Parkin (see Swiss:O60260). A number of them are thought to carry ...Domain
XA [auth F2]PF01535PPR repeat (PPR)PPR repeat- Repeat
XA [auth F2]PF13812Pentatricopeptide repeat domain (PPR_3)Pentatricopeptide repeat domain- Repeat
XA [auth F2]PF17177Pentacotripeptide-repeat region of PRORP (PPR_long)Pentacotripeptide-repeat region of PRORP- Repeat
AB [auth F6]PF14687Domain of unknown function (DUF4460) (DUF4460)Domain of unknown function (DUF4460)- Family
DB [auth FM],
EB [auth FN]
PF03446NAD binding domain of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (NAD_binding_2)NAD binding domain of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenaseThe NAD binding domain of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase adopts a Rossmann fold. Domain
DB [auth FM],
EB [auth FN]
PF14833NAD-binding of NADP-dependent 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase (NAD_binding_11)NAD-binding of NADP-dependent 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase3-Hydroxyisobutyrate is a central metabolite in the valine catabolic pathway, and is reversibly oxidised to methylmalonate semi-aldehyde by a specific dehydrogenase belonging to the 3-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase family. The reaction is NADP-dependent a ...Domain
HB [auth FW]PF01451Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase (LMWPc)Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphataseDomain
F [auth CH]PF00410Ribosomal protein S8 (Ribosomal_S8)Ribosomal protein S8Domain
IB [auth FX]PF13812Pentatricopeptide repeat domain (PPR_3)Pentatricopeptide repeat domain- Repeat
RB [auth IA]PF00009Elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain (GTP_EFTU)Elongation factor Tu GTP binding domainThis domain contains a P-loop motif, also found in several other families such as Pfam:PF00071, Pfam:PF00025 and Pfam:PF00063. Elongation factor Tu consists of three structural domains, this plus two C-terminal beta barrel domains. Domain
RB [auth IA]PF22042Elongation factor G domain 2 (EF-G_D2)Elongation factor G domain 2Elongation factor G (EF-G) catalyzes the translocation step of translation. It consists of five structural domains, this entry represents the second domain [1]. This domain adopts a beta barrel structure. This family also includes domains found in ot ...Domain
G [auth CI]PF00380Ribosomal protein S9/S16 (Ribosomal_S9)Ribosomal protein S9/S16- Family
H [auth CJ]PF01476LysM domain (LysM)LysM domainThe LysM (lysin motif) domain is about 40 residues long. It is found in a variety of enzymes involved in bacterial cell wall degradation [1]. This domain may have a general peptidoglycan binding function. The structure of this domain is known [2]. Domain

Gene Ontology: Gene Product Annotation Gene Ontology Database Homepage

ChainsPolymerMolecular FunctionBiological ProcessCellular Component
QB [auth Fi]mt-SAF38- - -
A [auth CA]9S rRNA---
J [auth CL]uS12m---
K [auth CN]uS14m- -
L [auth CO]uS15m- -
M [auth CP]bS16m- -
N [auth CQ]30S Ribosomal protein S17, putative
O [auth CR]bS18m- - -
P [auth CS]uS19m- - -
Q [auth CU]bS21m- - -
R [auth Ca]mS22- -
S [auth Cb]mS23- - -
B [auth CB]9S rRNA---
T [auth Cd]mS26- -
U [auth Cg]mS29 -
V [auth Ci]mS33- -
W [auth Cj]mS34- -
X [auth Ck]mS35
Y [auth Cm]mS37- -
Z [auth Cn]mS38- -
AA [auth Cp]Protein FYV4, mitochondrial- -
BA [auth DB]mS49- - -
CA [auth DC]mS50- - -
C [auth CC]uS3m---
DA [auth DD]mS51- - -
EA [auth DE]mS52
FA [auth DF]mS53- - -
GA [auth DG]mS54- - -
HA [auth DH]mS55- - -
IA [auth DI]mS56- - -
JA [auth DJ]mS57- -
KA [auth DK]mS58- - -
LA [auth DL]mS59- - -
MA [auth DO]mS62-
D [auth CE]Ribosomal_S5_C domain-containing protein
NA [auth DP]mS63- - -
OA [auth DR]mS65- - -
PA [auth DT]Rhodanese domain-containing protein -
QA [auth DU]Ubiquitin-like domain-containing protein- - -
RA [auth DV]mS69- -
SA [auth DW]mS70- - -
TA [auth DX]mS71- - -
UA [auth DY]mS72- -
VA [auth DZ]mS73- -
WA [auth Da]mS74- - -
E [auth CF]bS6m- -
XA [auth F2]PPR_long domain-containing protein -
YA [auth F3]mt-SAF3- - -
ZA [auth F5]mt-SAF5- - -
AB [auth F6]DUF4460 domain-containing protein- -
BB [auth F7]mt-SAF7 -
CB [auth F9]mt-SAF9- - -
DB [auth FM],
EB [auth FN]
mt-SAF21 - -
FB [auth FO]mt-SAF22- -
GB [auth FP]mt-SAF23- - -
HB [auth FW]LMWPc domain-containing protein-
F [auth CH]30S ribosomal protein S8, putative
IB [auth FX]mt-SAF27- -
JB [auth FZ]mt-SAF29- - -
KB [auth Fb]mt-SAF31- -
LB [auth Fc]Acyl carrier protein
MB [auth Fd]DUF4379 domain-containing protein- -
NB [auth Ff]DNA photolyase, putative -
OB [auth Fg]Acyl transferase-like protein, putative -
PB [auth Fh]mt-SAF37- -
RB [auth IA]Translation initiation factor IF-2, putative -
G [auth CI]uS9m
SB [auth IB]mt-SAF39- - -
TB [auth U8]Unk8---
UB [auth UC]UnkC---
VB [auth UD]UnkD---
WB [auth UF]UnkF---
XB [auth UG]UnkG---
YB [auth UI]UnkI---
ZB [auth UK]UnkK---
AC [auth UM],
BC [auth UN],
DC [auth UQ]
CC [auth UP]UnkP---
H [auth CJ]LysM domain-containing protein- - -
EC [auth Ua]Unka---
FC [auth Ug]Unkg---
I [auth CK]uS11m

InterPro: Protein Family Classification InterPro Database Homepage

L [auth CO]IPR009068uS15/NS1, RNA-binding domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
N [auth CQ]IPR012340Nucleic acid-binding, OB-foldHomologous Superfamily
N [auth CQ]IPR000266Small ribosomal subunit protein uS17Family
O [auth CR]IPR036870Small ribosomal subunit protein bS18 superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
U [auth Cg]IPR019368Small ribosomal subunit protein mS29Family
AA [auth Cp]IPR019083Small ribosomal subunit protein mS41, SAM domainDomain
AA [auth Cp]IPR039603Small ribosomal subunit protein mS41Family
DA [auth DD]IPR011990Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
GA [auth DG]IPR011990Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
HA [auth DH]IPR011990Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
D [auth CE]IPR005324Small ribosomal subunit protein uS5, C-terminalDomain
PA [auth DT]IPR001763Rhodanese-like domainDomain
PA [auth DT]IPR036873Rhodanese-like domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
QA [auth DU]IPR029071Ubiquitin-like domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
QA [auth DU]IPR000626Ubiquitin-like domainDomain
E [auth CF]IPR014717Translation elongation factor EF1B/small ribosomal subunit protein bS6Homologous Superfamily
XA [auth F2]IPR011990Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
XA [auth F2]IPR002885Pentatricopeptide repeatRepeat
XA [auth F2]IPR033443PROP1-like, PPR domainDomain
AB [auth F6]IPR028031Domain of unknown function DUF4460Domain
AB [auth F6]IPR027986T-cell activation inhibitor, mitochondrialFamily
BB [auth F7]IPR011990Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
BB [auth F7]IPR002885Pentatricopeptide repeatRepeat
DB [auth FM],
EB [auth FN]
IPR0061156-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, NADP-bindingDomain
DB [auth FM],
EB [auth FN]
IPR036291NAD(P)-binding domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
DB [auth FM],
EB [auth FN]
IPR0133286-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, domain 2Homologous Superfamily
DB [auth FM],
EB [auth FN]
IPR0291543-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase-like, NAD-binding domainDomain
DB [auth FM],
EB [auth FN]
IPR0089276-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase-like, C-terminal domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
FB [auth FO]IPR011990Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
GB [auth FP]IPR050792ADP-ribosylglycohydrolaseFamily
GB [auth FP]IPR036705ADP-ribosylation/Crystallin J1 superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
HB [auth FW]IPR036196Phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase I superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
HB [auth FW]IPR023485Phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase IDomain
F [auth CH]IPR000630Small ribosomal subunit protein uS8Family
F [auth CH]IPR035987Small ribosomal subunit protein uS8 superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IB [auth FX]IPR011990Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IB [auth FX]IPR002885Pentatricopeptide repeatRepeat
LB [auth Fc]IPR006162Phosphopantetheine attachment sitePTM
LB [auth Fc]IPR009081Phosphopantetheine binding ACP domainDomain
LB [auth Fc]IPR036736ACP-like superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
LB [auth Fc]IPR003231Acyl carrier proteinFamily
MB [auth Fd]IPR025487Treble clef zinc finger domainDomain
NB [auth Ff]IPR036155Cryptochrome/photolyase, N-terminal domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
NB [auth Ff]IPR006050DNA photolyase, N-terminalDomain
NB [auth Ff]IPR002081Cryptochrome/DNA photolyase class 1Family
NB [auth Ff]IPR036134Cryptochrome/DNA photolyase, FAD-binding domain-like superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
NB [auth Ff]IPR005101Cryptochrome/DNA photolyase, FAD-binding domainDomain
NB [auth Ff]IPR014729Rossmann-like alpha/beta/alpha sandwich foldHomologous Superfamily
OB [auth Fg]IPR016035Acyl transferase/acyl hydrolase/lysophospholipaseHomologous Superfamily
OB [auth Fg]IPR001227Acyl transferase domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
OB [auth Fg]IPR050858Malonyl CoA-ACP Transacylase/Polyketide Synthase FabDFamily
OB [auth Fg]IPR014043Acyl transferase domainDomain
RB [auth IA]IPR005225Small GTP-binding domainDomain
RB [auth IA]IPR000178Translation initiation factor IF-2, bacterial-likeFamily
RB [auth IA]IPR000795Translational (tr)-type GTP-binding domainDomain
RB [auth IA]IPR053905Elongation factor G-like, domain IIDomain
RB [auth IA]IPR044145Translation initiation factor IF-2, domain IIDomain
RB [auth IA]IPR009000Translation protein, beta-barrel domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
RB [auth IA]IPR015760Translation initiation factor IF- 2Family
RB [auth IA]IPR036925Translation initiation factor IF-2, domain 3 superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
RB [auth IA]IPR027417P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolaseHomologous Superfamily
G [auth CI]IPR020568Ribosomal protein uS5 domain 2-type superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
G [auth CI]IPR000754Small ribosomal subunit protein uS9Family
G [auth CI]IPR014721Small ribosomal subunit protein uS5 domain 2-type fold, subgroupHomologous Superfamily
H [auth CJ]IPR018392LysM domainDomain
I [auth CK]IPR036967Small ribosomal subunit protein uS11 superfamilyHomologous Superfamily