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QUERY: Structure Author = "Lu, P." | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 35 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameMembrane Protein AnnotationSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 25 of 35 Structures Page 1 of 2 Sort by
NMR SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE DNA DODECAMER GGCAAAAAACGGMacDonald, D., Herbert, K., Zhang, X., Pologruto, T., Lu, P. (2001) J Mol Biol 306: 1081-1098
NMR SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE DNA DODECAMER GGCAAGAAACGGMacDonald, D., Herbert, K., Zhang, X., Pologruto, T., Lu, P. (2001) J Mol Biol 306: 1081-1098
LACTOSE OPERON REPRESSOR BOUND TO 21-BASE PAIR SYMMETRIC OPERATOR DNA, ALPHA CARBONS ONLYLewis, M., Chang, G., Horton, N.C., Kercher, M.A., Pace, H.C., Lu, P. (1996) Science 271: 1247-1254
INTACT LACTOSE OPERON REPRESSOR WITH GRATUITOUS INDUCER IPTGLewis, M., Chang, G., Horton, N.C., Kercher, M.A., Pace, H.C., Lu, P. (1996) Science 271: 1247-1254
LAC REPRESSORLewis, M., Chang, G., Horton, N.C., Kercher, M.A., Pace, H.C., Lu, P. (1996) Science 271: 1247-1254
Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1b bound to DNA: MODY5 Gene Product(2007) Biochemistry 46: 12071-12080
Crystal Structure of Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4alpha in complex with DNA: Diabetes Gene ProductLu, P., Rha, G.B., Melikishvili, M., Adkins, B.C., Fried, M.G., Chi, Y.I. (2008) J Biol Chem 283: 33685-33697
Structure of the mRNA splicing complex component Cwc2Lu, P., Lu, G., Yan, C., Wang, L., Li, W., Yin, P. (2012) Biochem J 441: 591-597
Structure of the mRNA splicing complex component Cwc2Lu, P., Lu, G., Yan, C., Wang, L., Li, W., Yin, P. (2012) Biochem J 441: 591-597
Crystal Structure of Ascorbate-bound Cytochrome b561, crystal soaked in 1 M L-ascorbate for 10 minutesLu, P., Ma, D., Yan, C., Gong, X., Du, M., Shi, Y. (2014) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111: 1813-1818
Crystal Structure of Ascorbate-bound Cytochrome b561, crystal soaked in 1 M L-ascorbate for 40 minutesLu, P., Ma, D., Yan, C., Gong, X., Du, M., Shi, Y. (2014) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111: 1813-1818
Crystal structure of the gamma-secretase component NicastrinXie, T., Yan, C., Zhou, R., Zhao, Y., Sun, L., Yang, G., Lu, P., Ma, D., Shi, Y. (2014) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111: 13349-13354
Cryo-EM structure of the human gamma-secretase complex at 3.4 angstrom resolution.Bai, X., Yan, C., Yang, G., Lu, P., Ma, D., Sun, L., Zhou, R., Scheres, S.H.W., Shi, Y. (2015) Nature 525: 212
Crystal structure of transmembrane protein TMHC4_RLu, P., DiMaio, F., Min, D., Bowie, J., Wei, K.Y., Baker, D. (2018) Science 359: 1042-1046
Crystal structure of transmembrane protein TMHC2_ELu, P., DiMaio, F., Min, D., Wei, K.Y., Bowie, J., Baker, D. (2018) Science 359: 1042-1046
A de novo designed transmembrane nanopore, TMH4C4Lu, P., Xu, C., Reggiano, G., Xu, Q., DiMaio, F., Baker, D. (2020) Nature 585: 129-134
Cryo-EM structure of a de novo designed 16-helix transmembrane nanopore, TMHC8_R.Johnson, M.J., Reggiano, G., Xu, C., Lu, P., Hsia, Y., Brunette, T.J., DiMaio, F., Baker, D., Kollman, J. To be published
Human Wntless in complex with Wnt3aZhong, Q., Zhao, Y., Ye, F., Xiao, Z., Huang, G., Zhang, Y., Lu, P., Xu, W., Zhou, Q., Ma, D. (2021) Nat Commun 12: 4541-4541
X-ray structure of apo-VmFbpA, a ferric ion-binding protein from Vibrio metschnikoviiLu, P., Sui, M., Zhang, M., Nagata, K. (2021) Int J Mol Sci 22:
Human O-GlcNAc transferase Dimer(2023) Nat Commun 14: 6952-6952
Cryo-EM structure of human OGT-OGA complexLu, P., Liu, Y., Yu, H., Gao, H. (2023) Nat Commun 14: 6952-6952
Crystal structure of DO1 Fv-clasp fragmentAnan, Y., Lu, P., Nagata, K., Itakura, M., Uchida, K. (2024) Commun Biol 7: 149-149
X-ray structure of a ferric ion-binding protein A (FbpA) from Vibrio metschnikovii in complex with Danshensu (DSS)(2024) Protein Sci 33: e4881-e4881
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