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QUERY: Gene Name = "Cgl2189" | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 16 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismMore... TaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameMembrane Protein AnnotationSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 16 of 16 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
Structure of a membrane proteinHuang, Y., Qiao, S., Luo, Q., Zhao, Y. (2014) Nature 511: 108-111
Cryo-EM structures of HKU2 spike glycoproteinsWang, X., Yu, J., Qiao, S., Guo, R. (2020) Nat Commun 11: 3070-3070
Cryo-EM structures of SADS-CoV spike glycoproteinsWang, X., Yu, J., Qiao, S., Guo, R. (2020) Nat Commun 11: 3070-3070
Crystal structure of PssZ from Listeria monocytogenesWu, H., Cheng, J., Qiao, S., Li, D., Ma, L. (2019) Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun 75: 501-506
Structure of active GID E3 ubiquitin ligase complex minus Gid2 and delta Gid9 RING domainQiao, S., Prabu, J.R., Schulman, B.A. (2020) Mol Cell 77: 1-14
Cryo-EM structure of bat RaTG13 spike glycoproteinWang, X., Zhang, S., Qiao, S., Yu, J., Zeng, J., Tian, L. (2021) Nat Commun 12: 1607-1607
GID subcomplex: Gid12 bound Substrate Receptor Scaffolding moduleQiao, S., Cheng, J.D., Schulman, B.A. (2022) Nat Commun 13: 3041-3041
Cryo-EM structure of bat RsSHC014 spike glycoprotein(2024) J Virol 98: e0034224-e0034224
Cryo-EM structure of bat WIV1 spike glycoprotein(2024) J Virol 98: e0034224-e0034224
Cryo-EM structure of the WIV1 S-hACE2 complex(2024) J Virol 98: e0034224-e0034224
Cryo-EM structure of WIV1 spike glycoprotein (the closed state)(2024) J Virol 98: e0034224-e0034224
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