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QUERY: Gene Name = "SipA" | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 9 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 9 of 9 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
Crystal Structure of the C-terminal Actin Binding Domain of Salmonella Invasion Protein A (SipA)Stebbins, C.E., Lilic, M., Galkin, V.E., Orlova, A., VanLoock, M.S., Egelman, E.H. (2003) Science 301: 1918-1921
Crystal Structure of the Salmonella Secretion Chaperone InvB in Complex with SipALilic, M., Vujanac, M., Stebbins, C.E. (2006) Mol Cell 21: 653-664
Structure of Salmonella SipA residues 48-264Lilic, M., Vujanac, M., Stebbins, C.E. (2006) Mol Cell 21: 653-664
An arm-swapped dimer of the S. pyogenes pilin specific assembly factor SipAYoung, P.G., Kang, H.J., Baker, E.N. (2013) J Struct Biol 183: 99-104
Structure and activity of Streptococcus pyogenes SipA: a signal peptidase homologue essential for pilus polymerisationYoung, P.G., Proft, T., Baker, E.N. (2014) PLoS One 9: e99135-e99135
F-actin decorated by SipA497-669Yuan, B., Wald, J., Marlovits, T.C. (2023) Sci Adv 9: eadj5777-eadj5777
F-actin decorated by SipA426-685Yuan, B., Wald, J., Marlovits, T.C. (2023) Sci Adv 9: eadj5777-eadj5777
Atomic structure of Salmonella SipA/F-actin complex by cryo-EMNiedzialkowska, E., Runyan, L., Kudryashova, E., Kudryashov, D.S., Egelman, E.H. (2024) Structure 32: 725-738.e8
Salmonella effector protein SipA decorated actin filamentTo be published
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