
Head domain of the mt-SSU assemblosome from Trypanosoma brucei

Domain Annotation: ECOD Classification ECOD Database Homepage

ChainsFamily NameDomain Identifier ArchitecturePossible HomologyHomologyTopologyFamilyProvenance Source (Version)
V [auth DJ]UNK_F_TYPEe6sg9DJ1 A: alpha superhelicesX: Repetitive alpha hairpinsH: ARM repeat (From Topology)T: ARM repeatF: UNK_F_TYPEECOD (1.6)
JA [auth FK]MAM33e6sg9FK1 A: a+b two layersX: Acidic mitochondrial matrix protein p32-likeH: Acidic mitochondrial matrix protein p32 (From Topology)T: Acidic mitochondrial matrix protein p32F: MAM33ECOD (1.6)
LA [auth FV]MAM33e6sg9FV1 A: a+b two layersX: Acidic mitochondrial matrix protein p32-likeH: Acidic mitochondrial matrix protein p32 (From Topology)T: Acidic mitochondrial matrix protein p32F: MAM33ECOD (1.6)

Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage

X [auth DT]PF00581Rhodanese-like domain (Rhodanese)Rhodanese-like domainRhodanese has an internal duplication. This Pfam represents a single copy of this duplicated domain. The domain is found as a single copy in other proteins, including phosphatases and ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolases. Domain
CA [auth F1]PF09243Mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit Rsm22 (Rsm22)Mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit Rsm22- Family
FA [auth FF]PF01795MraW methylase family (Methyltransf_5)MraW methylase family- Family
I [auth CI]PF00380Ribosomal protein S9/S16 (Ribosomal_S9)Ribosomal protein S9/S16- Family

Gene Ontology: Gene Product Annotation Gene Ontology Database Homepage

ChainsPolymerMolecular FunctionBiological ProcessCellular Component
A [auth CE]uS5m---
J [auth CJ]uS10m---
K [auth CN]uS14m- -
L [auth CS]uS19m---
M [auth Cg]mS29 -
N [auth Ci]mS33- -
O [auth Ck]mS35
P [auth DB]mS49---
Q [auth DC]mS50---
R [auth DE]mS52
S [auth DF]mS53---
B [auth CK]uS11m
T [auth DG]mS54---
U [auth DH]mS55 (KRIPP8)---
V [auth DJ]mS57- -
W [auth DK]mS58---
X [auth DT]mS67 -
Y [auth DV]mS69- -
Z [auth DW]mS70---
AA [auth DX]mS71- - -
BA [auth DY]mS72- -
CA [auth F1]mt-SAF1 (RSM22)
C [auth Cn]mS38- -
DA [auth F4]mt-SAF4---
EA [auth FD]mt-SAF12 (KRIPP18)- -
FA [auth FF]mt-SAF14 -
GA [auth FG]mt-SAF15---
HA [auth FH]mt-SAF16---
IA [auth FI]mt-SAF17---
JA [auth FK]mt-SAF19- -
KA [auth FL]mt-SAF20---
LA [auth FV]mt-SAF25- -
MA [auth Fe]mt-SAF34- -
D [auth FJ]mt-SAF18- - -
NA [auth Ua]UNK-a---
OA [auth Ub]UNK-b---
PA [auth Uc]UNK-c---
QA [auth Ud]UNK-d---
RA [auth Ue]UNK-e---
SA [auth Uf]UNK-f---
TA [auth Ug]UNK-g---
UA [auth Uh]UNK-h---
VA [auth Ui]UNK-i---
WA [auth Uj]UNK-j---
E [auth FY]mt-SAF28- - -
XA [auth Uk]UNK-k---
YA [auth Ul]UNK-l---
ZA [auth Um]UNK-m---
AB [auth Ux]UNK-x---
F [auth Fa]mt-SAF30- - -
G [auth CA]9S rRNA---
H [auth CC]uS3m---
I [auth CI]uS9m

InterPro: Protein Family Classification InterPro Database Homepage