This entry includes phage distal tail proteins which form a hexameric ring located at the tail tube end, such as pb9 from bacteriophage T5 [1]. pb9 consists of two domains, A and B. This entry represents domain B which adopts an OB fold and is insert ...
This entry includes phage distal tail proteins which form a hexameric ring located at the tail tube end, such as pb9 from bacteriophage T5 [1]. pb9 consists of two domains, A and B. This entry represents domain B which adopts an OB fold and is inserted in domain A [1].
This entry includes phage distal tail proteins which form a hexameric ring located at the tail tube end, such as pb9 from bacteriophage T5 [1]. pb9 consists of two domains, A and B. Domain A adopts a split barrel fold and includes residues 1 to 82-1 ...
This entry includes phage distal tail proteins which form a hexameric ring located at the tail tube end, such as pb9 from bacteriophage T5 [1]. pb9 consists of two domains, A and B. Domain A adopts a split barrel fold and includes residues 1 to 82-172 to 205. This entry covers the C-terminal region of the A domain [1].
This entry includes phage distal tail proteins which form a hexameric ring located at the tail tube end, such as pb9 from bacteriophage T5 [1]. pb9 consists of two domains, A and B. Domain A adopts a split barrel fold and includes residues 1 to 82-1 ...
This entry includes phage distal tail proteins which form a hexameric ring located at the tail tube end, such as pb9 from bacteriophage T5 [1]. pb9 consists of two domains, A and B. Domain A adopts a split barrel fold and includes residues 1 to 82-172 to 205. This entry covers the N-terminal region of the A domain [1]. The C-terminal segment of the A domain is represented in Pfam:PF21424.
This entry includes phage distal tail proteins which form a hexameric ring located at the tail tube end, such as pb9 from bacteriophage T5 [1]. pb9 consists of two domains, A and B. This entry represents domain B which adopts an OB fold and is insert ...
This entry includes phage distal tail proteins which form a hexameric ring located at the tail tube end, such as pb9 from bacteriophage T5 [1]. pb9 consists of two domains, A and B. This entry represents domain B which adopts an OB fold and is inserted in domain A [1].
This family consists of bacterial domains with an Ig-like fold. Members of this family are found in bacterial and phage surface proteins such as intimins.
This entry includes phage distal tail proteins which form a hexameric ring located at the tail tube end, such as pb9 from bacteriophage T5 [1]. pb9 consists of two domains, A and B. Domain A adopts a split barrel fold and includes residues 1 to 82-1 ...
This entry includes phage distal tail proteins which form a hexameric ring located at the tail tube end, such as pb9 from bacteriophage T5 [1]. pb9 consists of two domains, A and B. Domain A adopts a split barrel fold and includes residues 1 to 82-172 to 205. This entry covers the C-terminal region of the A domain [1].
This entry includes phage distal tail proteins which form a hexameric ring located at the tail tube end, such as pb9 from bacteriophage T5 [1]. pb9 consists of two domains, A and B. Domain A adopts a split barrel fold and includes residues 1 to 82-1 ...
This entry includes phage distal tail proteins which form a hexameric ring located at the tail tube end, such as pb9 from bacteriophage T5 [1]. pb9 consists of two domains, A and B. Domain A adopts a split barrel fold and includes residues 1 to 82-172 to 205. This entry covers the N-terminal region of the A domain [1]. The C-terminal segment of the A domain is represented in Pfam:PF21424.
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