Structure of human COQ9 protein with bound isoprene.
Starting Model(s)
Initial Refinement Model(s) | |||
Type | Source | Accession Code | Details |
experimental model | PDB | 6AWL |
Crystalization Experiments | ||||
ID | Method | pH | Temperature | Details |
1 | MICROBATCH | 8.5 | 293 | Crystals were grown by seeded micro batch in a glass depression plate, on glass coverslips. The experiment was sealed with FOMBLIN oil. 2 microliters of protein saturated with geranylgeraniol was mixed with 1 microliter of seed stock and two microliters of reservoir solution. The reservoir solution was composed of 1.2 molar ammonium sulfate and 0.1 molar TrisHCl buffer at pH 8.5. The reservoir was saturated with geranylgeraniol by adding several microliters of neat geranylgeraniol. |
Crystal Properties | |
Matthews coefficient | Solvent content |
2.91 | 57.75 |
Crystal Data
Unit Cell | |
Length ( Å ) | Angle ( ˚ ) |
a = 116.45 | α = 90 |
b = 222.78 | β = 90 |
c = 130.78 | γ = 90 |
Symmetry | |
Space Group | C 2 2 21 |
Diffraction Experiment | ||||||||||||||
ID # | Crystal ID | Scattering Type | Data Collection Temperature | Detector | Detector Type | Details | Collection Date | Monochromator | Protocol | |||||
1 | 1 | x-ray | 100 | PIXEL | DECTRIS EIGER X 9M | 2017-11-19 | M | SINGLE WAVELENGTH |
Radiation Source | |||||
ID # | Source | Type | Wavelength List | Synchrotron Site | Beamline |
1 | SYNCHROTRON | APS BEAMLINE 21-ID-D | 1.127230 | APS | 21-ID-D |
Data Collection
Overall | |||||||||||||||||||
ID # | Resolution (High) | Resolution (Low) | Percent Possible (Observed) | R Merge I (Observed) | Rrim I (All) | Rpim I (All) | CC (Half) | Net I Over Average Sigma (I) | Redundancy | Number Reflections (All) | Number Reflections (Observed) | Observed Criterion Sigma (F) | Observed Criterion Sigma (I) | B (Isotropic) From Wilson Plot | |||||
1 | 2 | 48 | 99.68 | 0.1274 | 0.1325 | 0.03598 | 0.998 | 15.48 | 13.5 | 114146 | 37.83 |
Highest Resolution Shell | |||||||||||||||||||
ID # | Resolution (High) | Resolution (Low) | Percent Possible (All) | Percent Possible (Observed) | R Merge I (Observed) | Rrim I (All) | Rpim I (All) | CC (Half) | Mean I Over Sigma (Observed) | Redundancy | Number Unique Reflections (All) | ||||||||
1 | 2 | 2.07 | 99.87 | 1.759 | 1.824 | 0.4802 | 0.622 | 1.51 | 14.1 |
Statistics | |||||||||||||||||||
Diffraction ID | Structure Solution Method | Cross Validation method | Starting model | Resolution (High) | Resolution (Low) | Cut-off Sigma (F) | Number Reflections (Observed) | Number Reflections (R-Free) | Percent Reflections (Observed) | R-Factor (Observed) | R-Work (Depositor) | R-Work (DCC) | R-Free (Depositor) | R-Free (DCC) | R-Free Selection Details | Mean Isotropic B | |||
X-RAY DIFFRACTION | MOLECULAR REPLACEMENT | FREE R-VALUE | 6AWL | 2 | 48 | 1.34 | 114139 | 2045 | 99.69 | 0.17 | 0.1693 | 0.17 | 0.2094 | 0.21 | thin shells |
Temperature Factor Modeling | ||||||
Anisotropic B[1][1] | Anisotropic B[1][2] | Anisotropic B[1][3] | Anisotropic B[2][2] | Anisotropic B[2][3] | Anisotropic B[3][3] | |
RMS Deviations | |
Key | Refinement Restraint Deviation |
f_dihedral_angle_d | 11.105 |
f_angle_d | 1.357 |
f_chiral_restr | 0.076 |
f_bond_d | 0.019 |
f_plane_restr | 0.011 |
Non-Hydrogen Atoms Used in Refinement | |
Non-Hydrogen Atoms | Number |
Protein Atoms | 9128 |
Nucleic Acid Atoms | |
Solvent Atoms | 455 |
Heterogen Atoms | 106 |
Software | |
Software Name | Purpose |
PHENIX | refinement |
XDS | data reduction |
XSCALE | data scaling |
PHASER | phasing |