Structure Determination Methodology Scientific Name of Source Organism More...
Refinement Resolution (Å) Enzyme Classification Name -- Tabular Report -- Entry IDs Create Custom Report Structure Sequence Ligand Oligosaccharide Structural Genomics Center Primary Citation Biological Details Sequence Clusters Binding Affinity Crystallization Data Collection Refinement Refinement Parameters Unit Cell NMR Representative Model NMR Spectrometer NMR Sample Conditions NMR Refinement NMR Ensemble NMR Software EM Structure
Orth, P. , Cordes, F. , Schnappinger, D. , Hillen, W. , Saenger, W. , Hinrichs, W.
(1998) J Mol Biol 279 : 439-447
Released 1999-03-02 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.4 Å
Organisms Macromolecule
Orth, P. , Schnappinger, D. , Sum, P.-E. , Ellestad, G.A. , Hillen, W. , Saenger, W. , Hinrichs, W.
(1999) J Mol Biol 285 : 455-461
Released 1999-06-15 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.4 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands ATC , MG
Palm, G.J. , Hinrichs, W.
(2008) J Biol Inorg Chem 13 : 1097
Released 2008-07-01 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.62 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands CL , CO , TAC
Bogdanovic, X. , Palm, G.J. , Singh, R.K. , Hinrichs, W.
(2016) FEBS Lett 590 : 3280
Released 2011-02-02 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands GOL , MES , SO4 , ZN
Bogdanovic, X. , Palm, G.J. , Singh, R.K. , Hinrichs, W.
(2016) FEBS Lett 590 : 3280
Released 2011-02-02 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.99 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands CL , GOL , SO4 , ZN
Volkers, G. , Hinrichs, W.
(2011) J Med Chem 54 : 5108
Released 2011-03-02 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.3 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands 2TC , CL
Volkers, G. , Hinrichs, W.
(2011) J Med Chem 54 : 5108
Released 2011-03-23 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.34 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands CL , ITC
Dalm, D. , Proft, J. , Palm, G.J. , Hinrichs, W.
To be published
Released 2011-09-07 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.44 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands CL , MES , MG , OTC