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QUERY: Structure Author = "Puhl, A.C." | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 11 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 11 of 11 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
Human PPAR gamma ligand binding domain in complex with luteolin and myristic acidPuhl, A.C., Bernardes, A., Polikarpov, I. (2012) Mol Pharmacol 81: 788-799
Crystal structure of TR-alpha bound to T3 in a second sitePuhl, A.C., Aparicio, R., Polikarpov, I. (2014) Mol Endocrinol 28: 534-545
Crystal structure of TR-alpha bound to T4 in a second sitePuhl, A.C., Aparicio, R., Polikarpov, I. (2014) Mol Endocrinol 28: 534-545
Crystal structure of V290M PPARgamma mutant in complex with diclofenacPuhl, A.C., Webb, P., Polikarpov, I. To be published
Catalytic domain of the major endoglucanase from Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestrisPuhl, A.C., Rosseto, F.R., Polikarpov, I. To be published
MECHANISMS OF PPARgamma ACTIVATION BY NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGSPuhl, A.C., Webb, P., Polikarpov, I. (2015) Nucl Recept Signal 13: e004-e004
PPARgamma ligand binding domain in complex with sulindac sulfidePuhl, A.C., Polikaporv, I., Webb, P. (2015) Nucl Recept Signal 13: e004-e004
PPARgamma ligand binding domain in complex with indomethacinPuhl, A.C., Webb, P., Polikarpov, I. (2015) Nucl Recept Signal 13: e004-e004
Structure of human CIB1 in complex with peptide inhibitor UNC10245109Puhl, A.C., Godoy, A.S., Pearce, K. (2020) ACS Chem Biol 15: 1505-1516
Structure of human CIB1 in complex with peptide inhibitor UNC10245092Puhl, A.C., Godoy, A.S., Pearce, K. (2020) ACS Chem Biol 15: 1505-1516
Zika virus envelope protein structure in complex with a potent Human mAbCameron, A., Puhl, A.C., deSilva, A.M., Premkumar, L. (2023) PLoS Pathog 19: e1010814-e1010814
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