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QUERY: Structure Author = "Shustak, C." | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 7 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameMembrane Protein AnnotationSymmetry Type | 1 to 7 of 7 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
XFEL crystal structure of the human sphingosine 1 phosphate receptor 5 in complex with ONO-5430608Lyapina, E., Marin, E., Gusach, A., Orekhov, P., Gerasimov, A., Luginina, A., Vakhrameev, D., Ergasheva, M., Kovaleva, M., Khusainov, G., Khorn, P., Shevtsov, M., Kovalev, K., Okhrimenko, I., Bukhdruker, S., Popov, P., Hu, H., Weierstall, U., Liu, W., Cho, Y., Gushchin, I., Rogachev, A., Bourenkov, G., Park, S., Park, G., Huyn, H.J., Park, J., Gordeliy, V., Borshchevskiy, V., Mishin, A., Cherezov, V. (2022) Nat Commun 13: 4736-4736
RNase A-Uridine 5'-Hexaphosphate (RNaseA.p6U)(2024) ACS Cent Sci 10: 1415-1422
RNase A-Uridine 5'-Heptaphosphate (RNase A.p7U)(2024) ACS Cent Sci 10: 1415-1422
RNase A-Adenosine 5'-Hexaphosphate (RNaseA.p6A)(2024) ACS Cent Sci 10: 1415-1422
RNase A-Adenosine 5'-Heptaphosphate (RNaseA.p7A)(2024) ACS Cent Sci 10: 1415-1422
Cryo-EM structure of native SWR1 bound to DNA (composite structure)Louder, R.K., Park, G., Wu, C. (2024) Cell 187: 6849-6864.e18
Cryo-EM structure of native SWR1 bound to nucleosome (composite structure)Louder, R.K., Park, G., Wu, C. (2024) Cell 187: 6849-6864.e18
1 to 7 of 7 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by |