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QUERY: Citation Author = "Mueser, T.C." | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 29 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameMembrane Protein AnnotationSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 25 of 29 Structures Page 1 of 2 Sort by
CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF RSV TWO-DOMAIN INTEGRASEYang, Z.-N., Mueser, T.C., Bushman, F.D., Hyde, C.C. (2000) J Mol Biol 296: 535-548
CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF RSV TWO-DOMAIN INTEGRASEYang, Z.-N., Mueser, T.C., Bushman, F.D., Hyde, C.C. (2000) J Mol Biol 296: 535-548
BACTERIOPHAGE T4 GENE 59 HELICASE ASSEMBLY PROTEINMueser, T.C., Jones, C.E., Nossal, N.G., Hyde, C.C. (2000) J Mol Biol 296: 597-613
CARBONMONOXY LIGANDED BOVINE HEMOGLOBIN PH 5.0Mueser, T.C., Rogers, P.H., Arnone, A. (2000) Biochemistry 39: 15353-15364
CARBONMONOXY LIGANDED BOVINE HEMOGLOBIN PH 7.2Mueser, T.C., Rogers, P.H., Arnone, A. (2000) Biochemistry 39: 15353-15364
CARBONMONOXY LIGANDED BOVINE HEMOGLOBIN PH 8.5Mueser, T.C., Rogers, P.H., Arnone, A. (2000) Biochemistry 39: 15353-15364
CARBONMONOXY LIGANDED EQUINE HEMOGLOBIN PH 8.5Mueser, T.C., Rogers, P.H., Arnone, A. (2000) Biochemistry 39: 15353-15364
THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE SIV GP41 ECTODOMAIN AT 1.47 AYang, Z.-N., Mueser, T.C., Kaufman, J., Stahl, S.J., Wingfield, P.T., Hyde, C.C. (1999) J Struct Biol 126: 131-144
RNASE H FROM BACTERIOPHAGE T4Mueser, T.C., Nossal, N.G., Hyde, C.C. (1996) Cell 85: 1101-1112
Co-crystal of Bacteriophage T4 RNase H with a fork DNA substrate(2007) J Biol Chem 282: 31713-31724
Structure of the metal-free D132N T4 RNase HTo be published
Native T4 RNase H in the absence of divalent metal ionsTo be published
Structure of D19N T4 RNase H in the presence of divalent magnesiumTo be published
Structure of D132N T4 RNase H in the presence of divalent magnesiumTo be published
Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of porcine leukocyte 12-lipoxygenaseFunk, M.O., Xu, S., Marnett, L.J., Mueser, T.C. (2012) Structure 20: 1490-1497
Joint X-ray/neutron structure of equine cyanomet hemoglobin in R stateDajnowicz, S., Sean, S., Hanson, B.L., Fisher, S.Z., Langan, P., Kovalevsky, A.Y., Mueser, T.C. (2016) Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 72: 892-903
Crystal structure of AAT H143L mutantMueser, T.C., Dajnowicz, S., Kovalevsky, A. (2017) J Biol Chem 292: 5970-5980
High resolution crystal structure of AATMueser, T.C., Dajnowicz, S., Kovalevsky, A. (2017) J Biol Chem 292: 5970-5980
Crystal structure of AAT D222T mutantMueser, T.C., Dajnowicz, S., Kovalevsky, A. (2017) J Biol Chem 292: 5970-5980
Crystal structure of AAT H143L:H189L double mutantMueser, T.C., Dajnowicz, S., Kovalevsky, A. (2017) J Biol Chem 292: 5970-5980
Joint X-ray/neutron structure of aspartate aminotransferase with alpha-methyl-aspartate at pH 7.5Dajnowicz, S., Kovalevsky, A.Y., Mueser, T.C. (2017) Nat Commun 8: 955-955
aspartate aminotransferase pH 4.0Dajnowicz, S., Kovalevsky, A.Y., Mueser, T.C. (2017) Nat Commun 8: 955-955
Crystal structure of tryptophan Synthase in complex with F9, NH4+, pH7.8 - alpha aminoacrylate form - E(A-A)Drago, V., Hilario, E., Dunn, M.F., Mueser, T.C., Mueller, L.J. (2022) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 119:
Crystal structure of tryptophan synthase in complex with F9, Cs+, pH7.8 - alpha aminoacrylate form - E(A-A)Drago, V., Hilario, E., Dunn, M.F., Mueser, T.C., Mueller, L.J. (2022) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 119:
Crystal structure of tryptophan synthase in complex with F9, Cs+, benzimidazole, pH7.8 - alpha aminoacrylate form - E(A-A)(BZI)Drago, V., Hilario, E., Dunn, M.F., Mueser, T.C., Mueller, L.J. (2022) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 119:
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