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QUERY: Gene Name = "Nr3c1" | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 2 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 2 of 2 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
Aleglitazar, a new, potent, and balanced PPAR alpha/gamma agonist for the treatment of type II diabetesBenz, J., Bernardeau, A., Binggeli, A., Blum, D., Boehringer, M., Grether, U., Hilpert, H., Kuhn, B., Maerki, H.P., Meyer, M., Puentener, K., Raab, S., Ruf, A., Schlatter, D., Gsell, B., Stihle, M., Mohr, P. (2009) Bioorg Med Chem Lett 19: 2468-2473
Aleglitaar. a new. potent, and balanced dual ppara/g agonist for the treatment of type II diabetesRuf, A., Benz, J., Bernardeau, A., Binggeli, A., Blum, D., Boehringer, M., Grether, U., Hilpert, H., Kuhn, B., Maerki, H.P., Meyer, M., Puenterner, K., Raab, S., Schlatter, D., Gsell, B., Stihle, M., Mohr, P. (2009) Bioorg Med Chem Lett 19: 2468-2473
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