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QUERY: Gene Name = "PICST_67105" | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 25 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 25 of 25 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
Crystal Structure of Transketolase mutant - H261F from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, L.J., Hsu, N.S. (2016) Protein Eng Des Sel
Crystal Structure of Transketolase complex with sedoheptulose-7-phoaphate from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, L.J., Hsu, N.S. (2016) Protein Eng Des Sel
Crystal Structure of Transketolase with ThDP from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, L.J., Hsu, N.S. (2016) Protein Eng Des Sel
Crystal Structure of Transketolase from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, L.J., Hsu, N.S. (2016) Protein Eng Des Sel
Crystal Structure of Transketolase mutant-R356L complex with fructose-6-phoaphate from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, L.J., Hsu, N.S. (2016) Protein Eng Des Sel
Crystal Structure of Transketolase mutants-H66/261C complex with xylulose-5-phoaphate from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, L.J., Hsu, N.S. (2016) Protein Eng Des Sel
Crystal Structure of Transketolase mutant-R525L from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, L.J., Hsu, N.S. (2016) Protein Eng Des Sel
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with erythrose-4-phosphate from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Chembiochem 19: 2395-2402
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with ribose-5-phosphate from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Chembiochem 19: 2395-2402
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with xylulose-5-phosphate from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Chembiochem 19: 2395-2402
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with TPP_V and fructose-6-phosphate from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Chembiochem 19: 2395-2402
Crystal Structure of Transketolase contains cysteinesufonic acid from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 57: 1802-1807
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with TPP Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 57: 1802-1807
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with TPP intermediate III from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 57: 1802-1807
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with TPP intermediate III from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 57: 1802-1807
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with TPP intermediate IV from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 57: 1802-1807
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with TPP intermediate VIII from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Chembiochem 19: 2395-2402
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with TPP intermediate VIII' from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Chembiochem 19: 2395-2402
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with aminopyrimidine and cysteine sulfonic acid adduct from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 57: 1802-1807
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with TPP intermediate V from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 57: 1802-1807
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with TPP intermediate VII from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Chembiochem 19: 2395-2402
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with TPP_III and fructose-6-phosphate from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Chembiochem 19: 2395-2402
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with TPP intermediate IX and gauche form erythrose-4-phosphate from Pichia StipitisLi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Chembiochem 19: 2395-2402
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with hydroxylated TPP from Pichia Stipitis, crystal ILi, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 57: 1802-1807
Crystal Structure of Transketolase in complex with hydroxylated TPP from Pichia Stipitis, crystal 2Li, T.L., Hsu, N.S., Wang, Y.L. (2018) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 57: 1802-1807
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