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QUERY: Gene Name = "lambdap20" | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 33 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismMore... TaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 25 of 33 Structures Page 1 of 2 Sort by
A Common Fold for the Receptor Binding Domains of Lactococcal Phages? The Crystal Structure of the Head Domain of Phage bIL170(2006) J Virol 80: 9331-9335
Crystal structure of a lysinPorter, C.J., Buckle, A.M., Whisstock, J.C. (2007) J Mol Biology 366: 540-550
Crystallization and structure determination of the core-binding domain of bacteriophage lambda integraseKamadurai, H.B., Jain, R., Foster, M.P. (2008) Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun 64: 470-473
Structure of the receptor-binding protein of bacteriophage Det7: a podoviral tailspike in a myovirusWalter, M., Fiedler, C., Grassl, R., Biebl, M., Rachel, R., Hermo-Parrado, X.L., Llamas-Saiz, A.L., Seckler, R., Miller, S., van Raaij, M.J. (2008) J Virol 82: 2265-2273
Crystal structure of the C-terminal fragment of the bacteriophage phi92 membrane-piercing protein gp138Browning, C., Shneider, M., Leiman, P.G. (2012) Structure 20: 326-339
Crystal structure of the bacteriophage phi92 membrane-piercing protein gp138Browning, C., Shneider, M., Leiman, P.G. (2012) Structure 20: 326-339
Atomic structure of bacteriophage HS1 tail needle knob(2013) PLoS One 8: e70936-e70936
Crystal structure of the bacteriophage G20C portal proteinWilliams, L.S., Turkenburg, J.P., Levdikov, V.M., Minakhin, L., Severinov, K., Antson, A.A. To be published
Crystal structure of phiAB6 tailspikeLee, I.M., Tu, I.F., Huang, K.F., Wu, S.H. (2017) Sci Rep 7: 42711-42711
Crystal structure of phiAB6 tailspike in complex with five-repeated oligosaccharides of Acinetobacter baumannii surface polysaccharideLee, I.M., Tu, I.F., Huang, K.F., Wu, S.H. (2017) Sci Rep 7: 42711-42711
Crystal structure of phiAB6 tailspike in complex with three-repeated oligosaccharides of Acinetobacter baumannii surface polysaccharideLee, I.M., Tu, I.F., Huang, K.F., Wu, S.H. (2017) Sci Rep 7: 42711-42711
FLiP major capsid proteinDe Colibus, L., Stuart, D.I., Huiskonen, J.T. (2017) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114: 8378-8383
cryo-EM structure of the Cas9-sgRNA-AcrIIA4 anti-CRISPR complexJiang, F., Liu, J.J., Nogales, E., Doudna, J.A. (2017) Sci Adv 3: e1701620-e1701620
YSD1_17 major capsid proteinGrinter, R., Hardy, J.M., Dunstan, R., Lithgow, T.J., Coulibaly, F.J. (2020) Nat Commun 11: 3748-3748
YSD1 bacteriophage capsidHardy, J.M., Dunstan, R., Venugopal, H., Lithgow, T.J., Coulibaly, F.J. (2020) Nat Commun 11: 3748-3748
YSD1 major tail proteinHardy, J.M., Dunstan, R., Venugopal, H., Lithgow, T.J., Coulibaly, F.J. (2020) Nat Commun 11: 3748-3748
PHAGE SAM LYASE IN APO STATEEckhard, U., Kanchugal P, S., Selmer, M. (2021) Elife 10:
Structural and Biochemical Insight into Assembly of Molecular Motors Involved in Viral DNA PackagingTo be published
Receptor-binding protein of Clostridium difficile phage CDHS-1Wallis, R., Dowah, A., Clokie, M.R.J. To be published
Bacteriophage Q beta capsid protein A38KTo be published
Bacteriophage Q beta capsid protein, A38K/A40C/D102C in T1 symmetryTo be published
Bacteriophage Q beta capsid protein in T3 symmetryTo be published
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 70S ribosome initiation complex bound to compact IF2-GDP (composite structure I-A)Basu, R.S., Sherman, M.B., Gagnon, M.G. (2022) Nat Commun 13: 3388
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 70S ribosome initiation complex bound to compact IF2-GDP (composite structure I-B)Basu, R.S., Sherman, M.B., Gagnon, M.G. (2022) Nat Commun 13: 3388
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 70S ribosome initiation complex bound to IF2-GDPCP (structure II-A)Basu, R.S., Sherman, M.B., Gagnon, M.G. (2022) Nat Commun 13: 3388
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