PDB Statistics: PDB Data Distribution by Atom Count

Distribution of released structures by the number of observed atoms excluding atoms in water molecules.

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Atom Count RangeNumber of Entries
< 100019,234
1000 - 200033,009
2000 - 300038,345
3000 - 400029,026
4000 - 500020,050
5000 - 600014,360
6000 - 700012,270
7000 - 80009,803
8000 - 90007,775
9000 - 100005,696
10000 - 110004,811
11000 - 120004,081
12000 - 130003,446
13000 - 140002,927
14000 - 150002,459
15000 - 160002,033
16000 - 170001,810
17000 - 180001,595
18000 - 190001,295
>= 1900018,393