Disproportionating enzyme 1 from Arabidopsis - maltotriose soak

Experimental Data Snapshot

  • Resolution: 1.80 Å
  • R-Value Free: 
    0.179 (Depositor), 0.190 (DCC) 
  • R-Value Work: 
    0.153 (Depositor), 0.160 (DCC) 
  • R-Value Observed: 
    0.154 (Depositor) 

Starting Model: experimental
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wwPDB Validation   3D Report Full Report

This is version 2.1 of the entry. See complete history


Structural Dissection of the Maltodextrin Disproportionation Cycle of the Arabidopsis Plastidial Disproportionating Enzyme 1 (DPE1).

O'Neill, E.C.Stevenson, C.E.Tantanarat, K.Latousakis, D.Donaldson, M.I.Rejzek, M.Nepogodiev, S.A.Limpaseni, T.Field, R.A.Lawson, D.M.

(2015) J Biol Chem 290: 29834-29853

  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M115.682245
  • Primary Citation of Related Structures:  
    5CPQ, 5CPS, 5CPT, 5CQ1, 5CSU, 5CSY

  • PubMed Abstract: 

    The degradation of transitory starch in the chloroplast to provide fuel for the plant during the night requires a suite of enzymes that generate a series of short chain linear glucans. However, glucans of less than four glucose units are no longer substrates for these enzymes, whereas export from the plastid is only possible in the form of either maltose or glucose. In order to make use of maltotriose, which would otherwise accumulate, disproportionating enzyme 1 (DPE1; a 4-α-glucanotransferase) converts two molecules of maltotriose to a molecule of maltopentaose, which can now be acted on by the degradative enzymes, and one molecule of glucose that can be exported. We have determined the structure of the Arabidopsis plastidial DPE1 (AtDPE1), and, through ligand soaking experiments, we have trapped the enzyme in a variety of conformational states. AtDPE1 forms a homodimer with a deep, long, and open-ended active site canyon contained within each subunit. The canyon is divided into donor and acceptor sites with the catalytic residues at their junction; a number of loops around the active site adopt different conformations dependent on the occupancy of these sites. The "gate" is the most dynamic loop and appears to play a role in substrate capture, in particular in the binding of the acceptor molecule. Subtle changes in the configuration of the active site residues may prevent undesirable reactions or abortive hydrolysis of the covalently bound enzyme-substrate intermediate. Together, these observations allow us to delineate the complete AtDPE1 disproportionation cycle in structural terms.

  • Organizational Affiliation

    From the Department of Biological Chemistry, John Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park, Norwich NR4 7UH, United Kingdom and.

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Entity ID: 1
MoleculeChains Sequence LengthOrganismDetailsImage
4-alpha-glucanotransferase DPE1, chloroplastic/amyloplastic
A, B
564Arabidopsis thalianaMutation(s): 0 
Gene Names: DPE1At5g64860MXK3.9
Find proteins for Q9LV91 (Arabidopsis thaliana)
Explore Q9LV91 
Go to UniProtKB:  Q9LV91
Entity Groups  
Sequence Clusters30% Identity50% Identity70% Identity90% Identity95% Identity100% Identity
UniProt GroupQ9LV91
Sequence Annotations
  • Reference Sequence


Entity ID: 2
MoleculeChains Length2D Diagram Glycosylation3D Interactions
Glycosylation Resources
GlyTouCan:  G96412PU
GlyCosmos:  G96412PU
Entity ID: 3
MoleculeChains Length2D Diagram Glycosylation3D Interactions
Glycosylation Resources
GlyTouCan:  G47550UM
GlyCosmos:  G47550UM
GlyGen:  G47550UM
Small Molecules
Ligands 1 Unique
IDChains Name / Formula / InChI Key2D Diagram3D Interactions
Query on EDO

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C2 H6 O2
Experimental Data & Validation

Experimental Data

  • Resolution: 1.80 Å
  • R-Value Free:  0.179 (Depositor), 0.190 (DCC) 
  • R-Value Work:  0.153 (Depositor), 0.160 (DCC) 
  • R-Value Observed: 0.154 (Depositor) 
Space Group: P 1
Unit Cell:
Length ( Å )Angle ( ˚ )
a = 69.41α = 65.46
b = 73.13β = 69.48
c = 79.12γ = 67.09
Software Package:
Software NamePurpose
SCALAdata scaling
PDB_EXTRACTdata extraction
XDSdata reduction

Structure Validation

View Full Validation Report

Entry History & Funding Information

Deposition Data

Funding OrganizationLocationGrant Number
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research CouncilUnited KingdomBB/J004561/1

Revision History  (Full details and data files)

  • Version 1.0: 2015-11-04
    Type: Initial release
  • Version 1.1: 2015-12-23
    Changes: Database references
  • Version 1.2: 2017-08-30
    Changes: Author supporting evidence
  • Version 2.0: 2020-07-29
    Type: Remediation
    Reason: Carbohydrate remediation
    Changes: Atomic model, Data collection, Derived calculations, Structure summary
  • Version 2.1: 2024-01-10
    Changes: Data collection, Database references, Derived calculations, Refinement description, Structure summary