Atomic structure of the poxvirus transcription pre-initiation complex in the initially melted state

Domain Annotation: ECOD Classification ECOD Database Homepage

ChainsFamily NameDomain Identifier ArchitecturePossible HomologyHomologyTopologyFamilyProvenance Source (Version)
BRNA_pol_Rpb2_6_3rd_2e7amvB2 A: beta barrelsX: cradle loop barrelH: RIFT-relatedT: double psiF: RNA_pol_Rpb2_6_3rd_2ECOD (1.6)
BRNA_pol_Rpb2_6_2nd_1e7amvB6 A: a+b complex topologyX: alpha/beta-Hammerhead/Barrel-sandwich hybridH: alpha/beta-Hammerhead/Barrel-sandwich hybridT: Single hybrid motifF: RNA_pol_Rpb2_6_2nd_1ECOD (1.6)
BRNA_pol_Rpb2_3e7amvB1 A: a+b complex topologyX: N-terminal domain in beta subunit of DNA dependent RNA-polymerase (From Topology)H: N-terminal domain in beta subunit of DNA dependent RNA-polymerase (From Topology)T: N-terminal domain in beta subunit of DNA dependent RNA-polymeraseF: RNA_pol_Rpb2_3ECOD (1.6)
BF_UNCLASSIFIEDe7amvB5 A: a+b complex topologyX: insertion domain in beta subunit of DNA dependent RNA-polymerase (From Topology)H: insertion domain in beta subunit of DNA dependent RNA-polymerase (From Topology)T: insertion domain in beta subunit of DNA dependent RNA-polymeraseF: F_UNCLASSIFIEDECOD (1.6)
BRNA_pol_Rpb2_45_1e7amvB4 A: a+b complex topologyX: barrel domain in beta subunit of DNA dependent RNA-polymerase (From Topology)H: barrel domain in beta subunit of DNA dependent RNA-polymerase (From Topology)T: barrel domain in beta subunit of DNA dependent RNA-polymeraseF: RNA_pol_Rpb2_45_1ECOD (1.6)
BRNA_pol_Rpb2_7e7amvB3 A: a+b complex topologyX: C-terminal domain in beta subunit of DNA dependent RNA-polymerase (From Topology)H: C-terminal domain in beta subunit of DNA dependent RNA-polymerase (From Topology)T: C-terminal domain in beta subunit of DNA dependent RNA-polymeraseF: RNA_pol_Rpb2_7ECOD (1.6)
BF_UNCLASSIFIEDe7amvB7 A: a+b complex topologyX: inserted a+b domain in yeast RNA polymerase beta subunit (From Topology)H: inserted a+b domain in yeast RNA polymerase beta subunit (From Topology)T: inserted a+b domain in yeast RNA polymerase beta subunitF: F_UNCLASSIFIEDECOD (1.6)
H [auth J]F_UNCLASSIFIEDe7amvJ1 A: alpha arraysX: HTHH: RPB10 (From Topology)T: RPB10F: F_UNCLASSIFIEDECOD (1.6)

Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage

PF00623RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 2 (RNA_pol_Rpb1_2)RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 2RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). This domain, domain 2, contains the active site ...Domain
PF05000RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 4 (RNA_pol_Rpb1_4)RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 4RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). This domain, domain 4, represents the funnel do ...Domain
PF04983RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 3 (RNA_pol_Rpb1_3)RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 3RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). This domain, domain 3, represents the pore doma ...Domain
PF04998RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 5 (RNA_pol_Rpb1_5)RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 5RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). This domain, domain 5, represents the discontin ...Domain
PF04997RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 1 (RNA_pol_Rpb1_1)RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 1RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). This domain, domain 1, represents the clamp dom ...Domain
K [auth S]PF12410Poxvirus DNA dependent RNA polymerase 30kDa subunit (rpo30_N)Poxvirus DNA dependent RNA polymerase 30kDa subunit- Family
M [auth W]PF00271Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (Helicase_C)Helicase conserved C-terminal domainThe Prosite family is restricted to DEAD/H helicases, whereas this domain family is found in a wide variety of helicases and helicase related proteins. It may be that this is not an autonomously folding unit, but an integral part of the helicase. Domain
M [auth W]PF04851Type III restriction enzyme, res subunit (ResIII)Type III restriction enzyme, res subunit- Family
PF04560RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 7 (RNA_pol_Rpb2_7)RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 7RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). Rpb2 is the second largest subunit of the RNA p ...Domain
PF04565RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 3 (RNA_pol_Rpb2_3)RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 3RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). Domain 3, s also known as the fork domain and is ...Domain
PF00562RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 6 (RNA_pol_Rpb2_6)RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 6RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). This domain represents the hybrid binding domain ...Domain
PF04567RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 5 (RNA_pol_Rpb2_5)RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 5RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). Domain 5, is also known as the external 2 domain ...Domain
PF12415Poxvirus DNA dependent RNA polymerase (rpo132)Poxvirus DNA dependent RNA polymerase- Family
PF03396Poxvirus DNA-directed RNA polymerase, 35 kD subunit (Pox_RNA_pol_35)Poxvirus DNA-directed RNA polymerase, 35 kD subunit- Family
D [auth E]PF05273Poxvirus RNA polymerase 22 kDa subunit (Pox_RNA_Pol_22)Poxvirus RNA polymerase 22 kDa subunit- Family
I [auth K]PF04441Poxvirus early transcription factor (VETF), large subunit (Pox_VERT_large)Poxvirus early transcription factor (VETF), large subunit- Family

Gene Ontology: Gene Product Annotation Gene Ontology Database Homepage

ChainsPolymerMolecular FunctionBiological ProcessCellular Component
DNA-directed RNA polymerase 147 kDa polypeptide -
J [auth N]Synthetic promoter DNA oligomer, non-template strand---
K [auth S]DNA-directed RNA polymerase 30 kDa polypeptide -
L [auth T]Synthetic promoter DNA oligomer, template strand---
M [auth W]ATP-dependent helicase VETFS -
DNA-directed RNA polymerase -
DNA-directed RNA polymerase 35 kDa subunit
D [auth E]DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit
E [auth F]DNA-directed RNA polymerase 19 kDa subunit -
F [auth G]DNA-directed RNA polymerase 18 kDa subunit
G [auth I]Protein H4
H [auth J]DNA-directed RNA polymerase 7 kDa subunit -
I [auth K]ETF large subunit- -

InterPro: Protein Family Classification InterPro Database Homepage

IPR007066RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 3Domain
IPR007081RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 5Domain
IPR045867DNA-directed RNA polymerase, subunit beta-primeFamily
IPR007083RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 4Domain
IPR000722RNA polymerase, alpha subunitDomain
IPR044893RNA polymerase Rpb1, clamp domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR038120RNA polymerase Rpb1, funnel domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR006592RNA polymerase, N-terminalDomain
IPR007080RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 1Domain
K [auth S]IPR001222Zinc finger, TFIIS-typeDomain
K [auth S]IPR009162RNA polymerase, 30kDa subunit, chordopox-typeFamily
K [auth S]IPR024394RNA polymerase, 30kDa subunit, chordopox-type, N-terminalDomain
M [auth W]IPR002464DNA/RNA helicase, ATP-dependent, DEAH-box type, conserved siteConserved Site
M [auth W]IPR006935Helicase/UvrB, N-terminalDomain
M [auth W]IPR001650Helicase, C-terminal domain-likeDomain
M [auth W]IPR014001Helicase superfamily 1/2, ATP-binding domainDomain
M [auth W]IPR027417P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolaseHomologous Superfamily
IPR015712DNA-directed RNA polymerase, subunit 2Family
IPR037033DNA-directed RNA polymerase, subunit 2, hybrid-binding domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR007120DNA-directed RNA polymerase, subunit 2, hybrid-binding domainDomain
IPR007121RNA polymerase, beta subunit, conserved siteConserved Site
IPR007645RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 3Domain
IPR024390RNA polymerase, 132kDa subunit, poxvirus-typeFamily
IPR007647RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 5Domain
IPR014724RNA polymerase Rpb2, OB-foldHomologous Superfamily
IPR007641RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 7Domain
IPR005059DNA-directed RNA polymerase, 35kDa subunit, poxviralFamily
D [auth E]IPR007937RNA polymerase, 22kDa subunit, poxviralFamily
E [auth F]IPR007984DNA-directed RNA polymerase, 19kDa subunit, poxviralFamily
E [auth F]IPR036161RPB6/omega subunit-like superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
F [auth G]IPR004973DNA-directed RNA polymerase, 18kDa subunit, poxviralFamily
G [auth I]IPR004974RNA polymerase-associated transcription specificity factor Rap94Family
H [auth J]IPR008448DNA-directed RNA polymerase, 7kDa polypeptide, chordopoxviralFamily
I [auth K]IPR007532Poxvirus early transcription factor, large subunitFamily