SH3 (Src homology 3) domains are often indicative of a protein involved in signal transduction related to cytoskeletal organisation. First described in the Src cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase Swiss:P12931. The structure is a partly opened beta barrel.
The Dock180/Dock1 and Zizimin proteins are atypical GTP/GDP exchange factors for the small GTPases Rac and Cdc42 and are implicated cell-migration and phagocytosis. Across all Dock180 proteins, two regions are conserved: C-terminus termed CZH2 or DH ...
The Dock180/Dock1 and Zizimin proteins are atypical GTP/GDP exchange factors for the small GTPases Rac and Cdc42 and are implicated cell-migration and phagocytosis. Across all Dock180 proteins, two regions are conserved: C-terminus termed CZH2 or DHR2 (or the Dedicator of cytokinesis) whereas CZH1/DHR1 contain a new family of the C2 domain [1][2].
DOCK (dedicator of cytokinesis) proteins are guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) that activate some small GTPases, such as Rac or Cdc42, by exchanging bound GDP for free GTP to control cell migration, morphogenesis, and phagocytosis. These pro ...
DOCK (dedicator of cytokinesis) proteins are guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) that activate some small GTPases, such as Rac or Cdc42, by exchanging bound GDP for free GTP to control cell migration, morphogenesis, and phagocytosis. These proteins share a DOCK-type C2 domain (also termed the DOCK-homology region (DHR)-1) at the N-terminal, and the DHR-2 domain (also termed the DOCKER domain) at the C-terminal. DHR-2 is the GEF catalytic domain organised into three lobes A, B and C, with the Rho-family binding site and catalytic centre generated entirely from lobes B and C. This entry represents Lobe B which adopts an unusual architecture of two antiparallel beta sheets disposed in a loosely packed orthogonal arrangement. This lobe changes its position relative to lobe C and the bound GTPase, which suggests that lobe B distinguishes between the switch 1 conformations of Rac1 and Cdc42 [2].
Includes sub-families Ras, Rab, Rac, Ral, Ran, Rap Ypt1 and more. Shares P-loop motif with GTP_EFTU, arf and myosin_head. See Pfam:PF00009 Pfam:PF00025, Pfam:PF00063. As regards Rab GTPases, these are important regulators of vesicle formation, motili ...
Includes sub-families Ras, Rab, Rac, Ral, Ran, Rap Ypt1 and more. Shares P-loop motif with GTP_EFTU, arf and myosin_head. See Pfam:PF00009 Pfam:PF00025, Pfam:PF00063. As regards Rab GTPases, these are important regulators of vesicle formation, motility and fusion. They share a fold in common with all Ras GTPases: this is a six-stranded beta-sheet surrounded by five alpha-helices [1].
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