The leucine-rich, 70-85 amino acid long COMM domain is predicted to form a beta-sheet and an extreme C-terminal alpha- helix. The COMM domain containing proteins are about 200 residues in length and passed the C-terminal COMM domain [1].
The COMMD (Copper Metabolism Murr1 (Mouse U2af1-rs1 region 1) Domain) proteins are highly conserved in metazoans and unicellular protozoa. There are ten family members that play key roles in intracellular trafficking and in the regulation of transcri ...
The COMMD (Copper Metabolism Murr1 (Mouse U2af1-rs1 region 1) Domain) proteins are highly conserved in metazoans and unicellular protozoa. There are ten family members that play key roles in intracellular trafficking and in the regulation of transcription. A hallmark of the COMMD family members is a highly conserved C-terminal sequence of 70-80 amino acids called the COMM domain, which has no known structure. This entry represents the N-terminal domain of these proteins, which is referred to as the HN (helical N-terminal) domain, is more variable in sequence across the ten proteins [1,2]. Therefore, this entry includes COMMD2-7/10, while COMMD1 HN domain is represented in Pfam:PF17221, COMMD9 HN domain in Pfam:PF20923. Human (and the mammalian homologues) COMMD6 lacks the HN domain, however, it is present in COMMD6 from other species, such as Xenopus sp. This helical N-terminal domain has a globular architecture and is composed of a six-helix bundle with a meander topology [1,2].
The leucine-rich, 70-85 amino acid long COMM domain is predicted to form a beta-sheet and an extreme C-terminal alpha- helix. The COMM domain containing proteins are about 200 residues in length and passed the C-terminal COMM domain [1].
The COMMD (Copper Metabolism Murr1 (Mouse U2af1-rs1 region 1) Domain) proteins are highly conserved in metazoans and unicellular protozoa. There are ten family members that play key roles in intracellular trafficking and in the regulation of transcri ...
The COMMD (Copper Metabolism Murr1 (Mouse U2af1-rs1 region 1) Domain) proteins are highly conserved in metazoans and unicellular protozoa. There are ten family members that play key roles in intracellular trafficking and in the regulation of transcription. A hallmark of the COMMD family members is a highly conserved C-terminal sequence of 70-80 amino acids called the COMM domain, which has no known structure. This entry represents the N-terminal domain of these proteins, which is referred to as the HN (helical N-terminal) domain, is more variable in sequence across the ten proteins [1,2]. Therefore, this entry includes COMMD2-7/10, while COMMD1 HN domain is represented in Pfam:PF17221, COMMD9 HN domain in Pfam:PF20923. Human (and the mammalian homologues) COMMD6 lacks the HN domain, however, it is present in COMMD6 from other species, such as Xenopus sp. This helical N-terminal domain has a globular architecture and is composed of a six-helix bundle with a meander topology [1,2].
The leucine-rich, 70-85 amino acid long COMM domain is predicted to form a beta-sheet and an extreme C-terminal alpha- helix. The COMM domain containing proteins are about 200 residues in length and passed the C-terminal COMM domain [1].
The COMMD (Copper Metabolism Murr1 (Mouse U2af1-rs1 region 1) Domain) proteins are highly conserved in metazoans and unicellular protozoa. There are ten family members that play key roles in intracellular trafficking and in the regulation of transcri ...
The COMMD (Copper Metabolism Murr1 (Mouse U2af1-rs1 region 1) Domain) proteins are highly conserved in metazoans and unicellular protozoa. There are ten family members that play key roles in intracellular trafficking and in the regulation of transcription. A hallmark of the COMMD family members is a highly conserved C-terminal sequence of 70-80 amino acids called the COMM domain, which has no known structure. This entry represents the N-terminal domain of these proteins, which is referred to as the HN (helical N-terminal) domain, is more variable in sequence across the ten proteins [1,2]. Therefore, this entry includes COMMD2-7/10, while COMMD1 HN domain is represented in Pfam:PF17221, COMMD9 HN domain in Pfam:PF20923. Human (and the mammalian homologues) COMMD6 lacks the HN domain, however, it is present in COMMD6 from other species, such as Xenopus sp. This helical N-terminal domain has a globular architecture and is composed of a six-helix bundle with a meander topology [1,2].
The leucine-rich, 70-85 amino acid long COMM domain is predicted to form a beta-sheet and an extreme C-terminal alpha- helix. The COMM domain containing proteins are about 200 residues in length and passed the C-terminal COMM domain [1].
The COMMD (Copper Metabolism Murr1 (Mouse U2af1-rs1 region 1) Domain) proteins are highly conserved in metazoans and unicellular protozoa. There are ten family members that play key roles in intracellular trafficking and in the regulation of transcri ...
The COMMD (Copper Metabolism Murr1 (Mouse U2af1-rs1 region 1) Domain) proteins are highly conserved in metazoans and unicellular protozoa. There are ten family members that play key roles in intracellular trafficking and in the regulation of transcription. A hallmark of the COMMD family members is a highly conserved C-terminal sequence of 70-80 amino acids called the COMM domain, which has no known structure. This entry represents the N-terminal domain of these proteins, which is referred to as the HN (helical N-terminal) domain, is more variable in sequence across the ten proteins [1,2]. Therefore, this entry includes COMMD2-7/10, while COMMD1 HN domain is represented in Pfam:PF17221, COMMD9 HN domain in Pfam:PF20923. Human (and the mammalian homologues) COMMD6 lacks the HN domain, however, it is present in COMMD6 from other species, such as Xenopus sp. This helical N-terminal domain has a globular architecture and is composed of a six-helix bundle with a meander topology [1,2].
The leucine-rich, 70-85 amino acid long COMM domain is predicted to form a beta-sheet and an extreme C-terminal alpha- helix. The COMM domain containing proteins are about 200 residues in length and passed the C-terminal COMM domain [1].
The leucine-rich, 70-85 amino acid long COMM domain is predicted to form a beta-sheet and an extreme C-terminal alpha- helix. The COMM domain containing proteins are about 200 residues in length and passed the C-terminal COMM domain [1].
The COMMD (Copper Metabolism Murr1 (Mouse U2af1-rs1 region 1) Domain) proteins are highly conserved in metazoans and unicellular protozoa. There are ten family members that play key roles in intracellular trafficking and in the regulation of transcri ...
The COMMD (Copper Metabolism Murr1 (Mouse U2af1-rs1 region 1) Domain) proteins are highly conserved in metazoans and unicellular protozoa. There are ten family members that play key roles in intracellular trafficking and in the regulation of transcription. A hallmark of the COMMD family members is a highly conserved C-terminal sequence of 70-80 amino acids called the COMM domain, which has no known structure. This entry represents the N-terminal domain of these proteins, which is referred to as the HN (helical N-terminal) domain, is more variable in sequence across the ten proteins [1,2]. Therefore, this entry includes COMMD2-7/10, while COMMD1 HN domain is represented in Pfam:PF17221, COMMD9 HN domain in Pfam:PF20923. Human (and the mammalian homologues) COMMD6 lacks the HN domain, however, it is present in COMMD6 from other species, such as Xenopus sp. This helical N-terminal domain has a globular architecture and is composed of a six-helix bundle with a meander topology [1,2].
The leucine-rich, 70-85 amino acid long COMM domain is predicted to form a beta-sheet and an extreme C-terminal alpha- helix. The COMM domain containing proteins are about 200 residues in length and passed the C-terminal COMM domain [1].
This entry represents the alpha-helical N-terminal domain (HN) of COMMD8, one of the subunits of the CCC complex (Commander complex), which regulates the Retromer-independent retrieval and recycling of hundreds of proteins including integrins and lip ...
This entry represents the alpha-helical N-terminal domain (HN) of COMMD8, one of the subunits of the CCC complex (Commander complex), which regulates the Retromer-independent retrieval and recycling of hundreds of proteins including integrins and lipoprotein receptors [1].
The leucine-rich, 70-85 amino acid long COMM domain is predicted to form a beta-sheet and an extreme C-terminal alpha- helix. The COMM domain containing proteins are about 200 residues in length and passed the C-terminal COMM domain [1].
This domain is found at the N-terminal end of COMM domain-containing protein 9 from humans and similar proteins from vertebrates. COMMD9 contains a conserved and unique motif termed the COMM (copper metabolism gene MURR1, Pfam:PF07258) domain at the ...
This domain is found at the N-terminal end of COMM domain-containing protein 9 from humans and similar proteins from vertebrates. COMMD9 contains a conserved and unique motif termed the COMM (copper metabolism gene MURR1, Pfam:PF07258) domain at the C-terminal, which functions as an interface for protein-protein interactions. This entry represents the N-terminal domain, which shows a globular structure that consists of a six-helix bundle with a meander topology [1,2].
The leucine-rich, 70-85 amino acid long COMM domain is predicted to form a beta-sheet and an extreme C-terminal alpha- helix. The COMM domain containing proteins are about 200 residues in length and passed the C-terminal COMM domain [1].
The COMMD (Copper Metabolism Murr1 (Mouse U2af1-rs1 region 1) Domain) proteins are highly conserved in metazoans and unicellular protozoa. There are ten family members that play key roles in intracellular trafficking and in the regulation of transcri ...
The COMMD (Copper Metabolism Murr1 (Mouse U2af1-rs1 region 1) Domain) proteins are highly conserved in metazoans and unicellular protozoa. There are ten family members that play key roles in intracellular trafficking and in the regulation of transcription. A hallmark of the COMMD family members is a highly conserved C-terminal sequence of 70-80 amino acids called the COMM domain, which has no known structure. This entry represents the N-terminal domain of these proteins, which is referred to as the HN (helical N-terminal) domain, is more variable in sequence across the ten proteins [1,2]. Therefore, this entry includes COMMD2-7/10, while COMMD1 HN domain is represented in Pfam:PF17221, COMMD9 HN domain in Pfam:PF20923. Human (and the mammalian homologues) COMMD6 lacks the HN domain, however, it is present in COMMD6 from other species, such as Xenopus sp. This helical N-terminal domain has a globular architecture and is composed of a six-helix bundle with a meander topology [1,2].
The leucine-rich, 70-85 amino acid long COMM domain is predicted to form a beta-sheet and an extreme C-terminal alpha- helix. The COMM domain containing proteins are about 200 residues in length and passed the C-terminal COMM domain [1].
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