Structure determination and refinement of human alpha class glutathione transferase A1-1, and a comparison with the MU and PI class enzymes
Crystal Properties | |
Matthews coefficient | Solvent content |
2.47 | 50.25 |
Crystal Data
Unit Cell | |
Length ( Å ) | Angle ( ˚ ) |
a = 100.8 | α = 90 |
b = 95.4 | β = 92.4 |
c = 105.2 | γ = 90 |
Symmetry | |
Space Group | C 1 2 1 |
Diffraction Experiment | ||||||||||||||
ID # | Crystal ID | Scattering Type | Data Collection Temperature | Detector | Detector Type | Details | Collection Date | Monochromator | Protocol | |||||
1 | 1 | x-ray |
Statistics | |||||||||||||||||||
Diffraction ID | Structure Solution Method | Resolution (High) | Resolution (Low) | Number Reflections (R-Free) | Percent Reflections (Observed) | R-Factor (Observed) | R-Work (Depositor) | R-Work (DCC) | R-Free (Depositor) | Mean Isotropic B | |||||||||
X-RAY DIFFRACTION | 2.6 | 0.229 | 0.229 | 0.22 |
RMS Deviations | |
Key | Refinement Restraint Deviation |
x_bond_d | 0.011 |
x_bond_d_na | |
x_bond_d_prot | |
x_angle_d | |
x_angle_d_na | |
x_angle_d_prot | |
x_angle_deg | |
x_angle_deg_na | |
x_angle_deg_prot | |
x_dihedral_angle_d |
Non-Hydrogen Atoms Used in Refinement | |
Non-Hydrogen Atoms | Number |
Protein Atoms | 7184 |
Nucleic Acid Atoms | |
Solvent Atoms | |
Heterogen Atoms | 108 |
Software | |
Software Name | Purpose |
X-PLOR | model building |
X-PLOR | refinement |
X-PLOR | phasing |