
Apoptosis-inducing factor 1, mitochondrial

UniProtKB accession:  O95831
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UniProtKB description:  Functions both as NADH oxidoreductase and as regulator of apoptosis (PubMed:17094969, PubMed:20362274, PubMed:23217327, PubMed:33168626). In response to apoptotic stimuli, it is released from the mitochondrion intermembrane space into the cytosol and to the nucleus, where it functions as a proapoptotic factor in a caspase-independent pathway (PubMed:20362274). Release into the cytoplasm is mediated upon binding to poly-ADP-ribose chains (By similarity). The soluble form (AIFsol) found in the nucleus induces 'parthanatos' i.e. caspase-independent fragmentation of chromosomal DNA (PubMed:20362274). Binds to DNA in a sequence-independent manner (PubMed:27178839). Interacts with EIF3G, and thereby inhibits the EIF3 machinery and protein synthesis, and activates caspase-7 to amplify apoptosis (PubMed:17094969). Plays a critical role in caspase-independent, pyknotic cell death in hydrogen peroxide-exposed cells (PubMed:19418225). In contrast, participates in normal mitochondrial metabolism. Plays an important role in the regulation of respiratory chain biogenesis by interacting with CHCHD4 and controlling CHCHD4 mitochondrial import (PubMed:26004228).
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