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Refinement Resolution (Å) Enzyme Classification Name Membrane Protein Annotation -- Tabular Report -- Entry IDs Create Custom Report Structure Sequence Ligand Oligosaccharide Structural Genomics Center Primary Citation Biological Details Sequence Clusters Binding Affinity Crystallization Data Collection Refinement Refinement Parameters Unit Cell NMR Representative Model NMR Spectrometer NMR Sample Conditions NMR Refinement NMR Ensemble NMR Software EM Structure
Patel, D.J. , Wang, Y.
(1993) J Mol Biol 234 : 1171-1183
Released 1994-01-31 Method SOLUTION NMR
Wang, Y. , Patel, D.J.
(1993) Structure 1 : 263-282
Released 1994-04-30 Method SOLUTION NMR
Organisms Macromolecule
Wang, Y. , Patel, D.J.
(1994) J Mol Biol 242 : 508-526
Released 1994-07-31 Method SOLUTION NMR
Wang, Y. , Patel, D.J.
(1994) Structure 2 : 1141-1156
Released 1994-11-01 Method SOLUTION NMR
Macgillivray, R.T.A. , Moore, S.A. , Chen, J. , Anderson, B.F. , Baker, H. , Luo, Y. , Bewley, M. , Smith, C.A. , Murphy, M.E.P. , Wang, Y. , Mason, A.B. , Woodworth, R.C. , Brayer, G.D. , Baker, E.N.
(1998) Biochemistry 37 : 7919-7928
Released 1998-06-17 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.6 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands CO3 , FE
Macgillivray, R.T.A. , Moore, S.A. , Chen, J. , Anderson, B.F. , Baker, H. , Luo, Y. , Bewley, M. , Smith, C.A. , Murphy, M.E.P. , Wang, Y. , Mason, A.B. , Woodworth, R.C. , Brayer, G.D. , Baker, E.N.
(1998) Biochemistry 37 : 7919-7928
Released 1998-06-17 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.8 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands CO3 , FE
Rydberg, E.H. , Sidhu, G. , Vo, H.C. , Hewitt, J. , Cote, H.C.F. , Wang, Y. , Numao, S. , Macgillivray, R.T.A. , Overall, C.M. , Brayer, G.D. , Withers, S.G.
(1999) Protein Sci 8 : 635-643
Released 1999-05-18 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands CA , CL , NAG
Brayer, G.D. , Sidhu, G. , Maurus, R. , Rydberg, E.H. , Braun, C. , Wang, Y. , Nguyen, N.T. , Overall, C.M. , Withers, S.G.
(2000) Biochemistry 39 : 4778-4791
Released 1999-06-14 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands CA , CL , HMC , NAG Unique branched monosaccharides AGL, GLC
Wang, Y. , Henz, M.E. , Gallagher, N.L.F. , Chai, S. , Yan, L.Z. , Gibbs, A.C. , Stiles, M.E. , Wishart, D.S. , Vederas, J.C.
(1999) Biochemistry 38 : 15438-15447
Released 1999-09-07 Method SOLUTION NMR
Organisms Macromolecule
Wang, Y. , Henz, M.E. , Gallagher, N.L.F. , Chai, S. , Yan, L.Z. , Gibbs, A.C. , Stiles, M.E. , Wishart, D.S. , Vederas, J.C.
(1999) Biochemistry 38 : 15438-15447
Released 1999-09-08 Method SOLUTION NMR
Organisms Macromolecule
Yang, H.-W. , MacGillivray, R.T.A. , Chen, J. , Luo, Y. , Wang, Y. , Brayer, G.D. , Mason, A. , Woodworth, R.C. , Murphy, M.E.P.
(2000) Protein Sci 9 : 49-52
Released 2000-03-01 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.8 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands CO3 , FE
Yang, H.-W. , MacGillivray, R.T.A. , Chen, J. , Luo, Y. , Wang, Y. , Brayer, G.D. , Mason, A. , Woodworth, R.C. , Murphy, M.E.P.
(2000) Protein Sci 9 : 49-52
Released 2000-03-01 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands CO3 , FE
Wang, Y. , Wishart, D.S.
(2004) J Biomol NMR 29 : 85-90
Released 1999-11-24 Method SOLUTION NMR
Organisms Macromolecule
Nishio, T. , Watanabe, T. , Patel, A. , Wang, Y. , Lau, P.C.K. , Grochulski, P. , Li, Y. , Cygler, M.
To be published
Released 2000-06-21 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.3 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands GSH
Kao, Y.-H. , Lee, G.F. , Wang, Y. , Starovasnik, M.A. , Kelley, R.F. , Spellman, M.W. , Lerner, L.
(1999) Biochemistry 38 : 7097-7110
Released 1999-06-16 Method SOLUTION NMR
Organisms Macromolecule
Kao, Y.-H. , Lee, G.F. , Wang, Y. , Starovasnik, M.A. , Kelley, R.F. , Spellman, M.W. , Lerner, L.
(1999) Biochemistry 38 : 7097-7110
Released 1999-06-16 Method SOLUTION NMR
Organisms Macromolecule
Kao, Y.-H. , Lee, G.F. , Wang, Y. , Starovasnik, M.A. , Kelley, R.F. , Spellman, M.W. , Lerner, L.
(1999) Biochemistry 38 : 7097-7110
Released 1999-06-16 Method SOLUTION NMR
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands FUC
Kao, Y.-H. , Lee, G.F. , Wang, Y. , Starovasnik, M.A. , Kelley, R.F. , Spellman, M.W. , Lerner, L.
(1999) Biochemistry 38 : 7097-7110
Released 1999-06-16 Method SOLUTION NMR
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands FUC