The Crystal Structure of Bak1 - an Apoptosis Trigger in the Mitochondrial Outer Membrane
Moche, M., Stenmark, P., Arrowsmith, C., Berglund, H., Busam, R., Collins, R., Edwards, A., Ericsson, U.B., Flodin, S., Flores, A., Graslund, S., Hammarstrom, M., Hallberg, B.M., Holmberg Schiavone, L., Johansson, I., Karlberg, T., Kosinska, U., Kotenyova, T., Lundgren, S., Nilsson, M.E., Nyman, T., Ogg, D., Persson, C., Sagemark, J., Sundstrom, M., Uppenberg, J., Upsten, M., Thorsell, A.G., Van Den Berg, S., Weigelt, J., Nordlund, P.To be published.