Human Guanine Deaminase (Guad) in Complex with Zinc and its Product Xhantine
Moche, M., Welin, M., Arrowsmith, C., Berglund, H., Busam, R., Collins, R., Dahlgren, L.G., Edwards, A., Flodin, S., Flores, A., Graslund, S., Hammarstrom, M., Hallberg, B.M., Holmberg-Schiavone, L., Johansson, I., Kallas, A., Karlberg, T., Kotenyova, T., Lehtio, L., Nyman, T., Ogg, D., Persson, C., Sagemark, J., Stenmark, P., Sundstrom, M., Thorsell, A.G., Van Den Berg, S., Weigelt, J., Nordlund, P.To be published.