Structure of the complete Vaccinia DNA-dependent RNA polymerase complex at 2.65A resolution

Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage

PF00623RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 2 (RNA_pol_Rpb1_2)RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 2RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). This domain, domain 2, contains the active site ...Domain
PF05000RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 4 (RNA_pol_Rpb1_4)RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 4RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). This domain, domain 4, represents the funnel do ...Domain
PF04983RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 3 (RNA_pol_Rpb1_3)RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 3RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). This domain, domain 3, represents the pore doma ...Domain
PF04998RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 5 (RNA_pol_Rpb1_5)RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 5RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). This domain, domain 5, represents the discontin ...Domain
PF04997RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 1 (RNA_pol_Rpb1_1)RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 1RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). This domain, domain 1, represents the clamp dom ...Domain
J [auth O]PF21004mRNA capping enzyme catalytic subunit, GTase, NTPase domain (MCEL_GT_NTPase)mRNA capping enzyme catalytic subunit, GTase, NTPase domainmRNA-capping enzyme catalytic subunit from Vaccinia virus (MCEL, also known as mRNA-capping enzyme D1 subunit) catalyses the hydrolysis of the 5' triphosphate end of the pre-mRNA, the capping of the resulting diphosphate RNA end with GMP and the meth ...Domain
J [auth O]PF10640mRNA capping enzyme catalytic subunit, RNA triphosphatase domain (MCEL_TPase)mRNA capping enzyme catalytic subunit, RNA triphosphatase domainmRNA-capping enzyme catalytic subunit from Vaccinia virus (MCEL, also known as mRNA-capping enzyme D1 subunit) catalyses the hydrolysis of the 5' triphosphate end of the pre-mRNA, the capping of the resulting diphosphate RNA end with GMP and the meth ...Domain
J [auth O]PF03291mRNA (guanine-N(7))-methyltransferase domain (mRNA_G-N7_MeTrfase)mRNA (guanine-N(7))-methyltransferase domainThis entry represents mRNA (guanine-N(7))-methyltransferase, which can either be found as a single domain protein, or as a domain within the mRNA-capping enzyme catalytic subunit. mRNA (guanine-N(7))-methyltransferase methylates the N7 position of th ...Domain
J [auth O]PF21005mRNA-capping enzyme catalytic subunit, GTase, OB fold (MCEL_GT_OB)mRNA-capping enzyme catalytic subunit, GTase, OB foldmRNA-capping enzyme catalytic subunit from Vaccinia virus (MCEL, also known as mRNA-capping enzyme D1 subunit) catalyses the hydrolysis of the 5' triphosphate end of the pre-mRNA, the capping of the resulting diphosphate RNA end with GMP and the meth ...Domain
K [auth Q],
L [auth R]
PF06138Chordopoxvirus E11 protein (Chordopox_E11)Chordopoxvirus E11 protein- Family
M [auth S]PF12410Poxvirus DNA dependent RNA polymerase 30kDa subunit (rpo30_N)Poxvirus DNA dependent RNA polymerase 30kDa subunit- Family
O [auth Y]PF00271Helicase conserved C-terminal domain (Helicase_C)Helicase conserved C-terminal domainThe Prosite family is restricted to DEAD/H helicases, whereas this domain family is found in a wide variety of helicases and helicase related proteins. It may be that this is not an autonomously folding unit, but an integral part of the helicase. Domain
O [auth Y]PF00176SNF2-related domain (SNF2-rel_dom)SNF2-related domainThis domain is found in proteins involved in a variety of processes including transcription regulation (e.g., SNF2, STH1, brahma, MOT1), DNA repair (e.g., ERCC6, RAD16, RAD5), DNA recombination (e.g., RAD54), and chromatin unwinding (e.g., ISWI) as w ...Domain
O [auth Y]PF08469Nucleoside triphosphatase I C-terminal (NPHI_C)Nucleoside triphosphatase I C-terminal- Family
PF04560RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 7 (RNA_pol_Rpb2_7)RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 7RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). Rpb2 is the second largest subunit of the RNA p ...Domain
PF04565RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 3 (RNA_pol_Rpb2_3)RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 3RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). Domain 3, s also known as the fork domain and is ...Domain
PF00562RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 6 (RNA_pol_Rpb2_6)RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 6RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). This domain represents the hybrid binding domain ...Domain
PF12415Poxvirus DNA dependent RNA polymerase (rpo132)Poxvirus DNA dependent RNA polymerase- Family
PF04567RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 5 (RNA_pol_Rpb2_5)RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 5RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerisation of RNA. Prokaryotes contain a single RNA polymerase compared to three in eukaryotes (not including mitochondrial. and chloroplast polymerases). Domain 5, is also known as the external 2 domain ...Domain
PF03396Poxvirus DNA-directed RNA polymerase, 35 kD subunit (Pox_RNA_pol_35)Poxvirus DNA-directed RNA polymerase, 35 kD subunit- Family
D [auth E]PF05273Poxvirus RNA polymerase 22 kDa subunit (Pox_RNA_Pol_22)Poxvirus RNA polymerase 22 kDa subunit- Family
I [auth L]PF03341Poxvirus mRNA capping enzyme, small subunit (Pox_mRNA-cap)Poxvirus mRNA capping enzyme, small subunit- Family

Gene Ontology: Gene Product Annotation Gene Ontology Database Homepage

ChainsPolymerMolecular FunctionBiological ProcessCellular Component
DNA-directed RNA polymerase 147 kDa polypeptide -
J [auth O]mRNA-capping enzyme catalytic subunit -
K [auth Q],
L [auth R]
Core protein OPG073- -
M [auth S]DNA-directed RNA polymerase 30 kDa polypeptide -
N [auth U]URQ-UUG1-1 tRNA (72-MER)---
O [auth Y]Nucleoside triphosphatase I
P [auth F]DNA-directed RNA polymerase 19 kDa subunit -
DNA-directed RNA polymerase 133 kDa polypeptide -
DNA-directed RNA polymerase 35 kDa subunit
D [auth E]DNA-directed RNA polymerase 22 kDa subunit
E [auth G]DNA-directed RNA polymerase 18 kDa subunit
F [auth I]RNA polymerase-associated transcription-specificity factor RAP94
G [auth J]DNA-directed RNA polymerase 7 kDa subunit -
H [auth K]Early transcription factor 82 kDa subunit
I [auth L]mRNA-capping enzyme regulatory subunit OPG124

InterPro: Protein Family Classification InterPro Database Homepage

IPR007066RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 3Domain
IPR007081RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 5Domain
IPR045867DNA-directed RNA polymerase, subunit beta-primeFamily
IPR007083RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 4Domain
IPR000722RNA polymerase, alpha subunitDomain
IPR044893RNA polymerase Rpb1, clamp domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR038120RNA polymerase Rpb1, funnel domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR006592RNA polymerase, N-terminalDomain
IPR007080RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 1Domain
J [auth O]IPR048425mRNA capping enzyme catalytic subunit, GTase, NTPase domainDomain
J [auth O]IPR029063S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
J [auth O]IPR019602mRNA capping enzyme catalytic subunit, RNA triphosphatase domain, virusDomain
J [auth O]IPR046430mRNA-capping enzyme catalytic subunit, RNA triphosphatase domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
J [auth O]IPR046428mRNA-capping enzyme catalytic subunit, OB fold domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
J [auth O]IPR039753mRNA cap guanine-N7 methyltransferaseFamily
J [auth O]IPR048426mRNA-capping enzyme catalytic subunit, GTase, OB foldDomain
J [auth O]IPR046429mRNA-capping enzyme catalytic subunit, nucleotidyltransferase domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
J [auth O]IPR004971mRNA (guanine-N(7))-methyltransferase domainDomain
K [auth Q],
L [auth R]
IPR009201Virion core protein, vaccinia E11L typeFamily
M [auth S]IPR001222Zinc finger, TFIIS-typeDomain
M [auth S]IPR009162RNA polymerase, 30kDa subunit, chordopox-typeFamily
M [auth S]IPR024394RNA polymerase, 30kDa subunit, chordopox-type, N-terminalDomain
O [auth Y]IPR000330SNF2, N-terminalDomain
O [auth Y]IPR013676Nucleoside triphosphatase I, C-terminalDomain
O [auth Y]IPR001650Helicase, C-terminal domain-likeDomain
O [auth Y]IPR014001Helicase superfamily 1/2, ATP-binding domainDomain
O [auth Y]IPR027417P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolaseHomologous Superfamily
P [auth F]IPR007984DNA-directed RNA polymerase, 19kDa subunit, poxviralFamily
P [auth F]IPR036161RPB6/omega subunit-like superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR015712DNA-directed RNA polymerase, subunit 2Family
IPR037033DNA-directed RNA polymerase, subunit 2, hybrid-binding domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR007120DNA-directed RNA polymerase, subunit 2, hybrid-binding domainDomain
IPR007121RNA polymerase, beta subunit, conserved siteConserved Site
IPR007645RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 3Domain
IPR024390RNA polymerase, 132kDa subunit, poxvirus-typeFamily
IPR007647RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 5Domain
IPR014724RNA polymerase Rpb2, OB-foldHomologous Superfamily
IPR007641RNA polymerase Rpb2, domain 7Domain
IPR005059DNA-directed RNA polymerase, 35kDa subunit, poxviralFamily
D [auth E]IPR007937RNA polymerase, 22kDa subunit, poxviralFamily
E [auth G]IPR004973DNA-directed RNA polymerase, 18kDa subunit, poxviralFamily
F [auth I]IPR004974RNA polymerase-associated transcription specificity factor Rap94Family
G [auth J]IPR008448DNA-directed RNA polymerase, 7kDa polypeptide, chordopoxviralFamily
H [auth K]IPR007532Poxvirus early transcription factor, large subunitFamily
I [auth L]IPR005009Poxvirus mRNA capping enzyme, small subunitFamily
I [auth L]IPR043096Poxvirus mRNA capping enzyme, small subunit superfamilyHomologous Superfamily

Protein Modification Annotation

Modified Residue(s)
M [auth S]SEP Parent Component: SER


PSI-MOD :  O-phospho-L-serine MOD:00046
N [auth U]1MA Parent Component: A


N [auth U]OMC Parent Component: C