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IQB and ERN: Electron Microscopy Community Voice of the Customer
Virtual Workshop: February 11, 2021 • 1:00-4:00 PM ESTThe virtual meeting information will be sent to the registered email address.
The IQB and the ERN are co-organizing an online workshop to solicit feedback from electron microscopists and electron microscopy facility managers regarding their information technology (IT) challenges. The goal of our Voice of the Customer exercise is to ascertain the needs of this rapidly growing community of structural biologists for enumeration in an NSF Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-1 application (Program Solicitation NSF 21- 505, Mid-scale RI-1). Our proposal seeks funds to establish robust federated IT data transfer networking and data management solutions among ERN-member institutions that will enable facile and secure online access to electron microscopy facilities and the large volumes of data generated therefrom.
Electron microscopists and electron microscopy facility managers working in ERN-member institutions are strongly encouraged to register (at no cost) and contribute to the success of the Mid-scale RI-1 proposal by explaining current IT infrastructure pain points and helping to identify future enhancements for remote access and control of imaging experiments by structural biologists using institutional, regional, and national electron microscopy facilities.
Interested parties from outside the ERN, including ex-US institutions, are similarly encouraged to register (at no cost) and participate. The ERN is committed to identifying IT infrastructure solutions that can be disseminated across the nation and around the world.
Institute for Quantitative Biomedicine
The IQB was launched in 2015 as a Rutgers University centerof- excellence for interdisciplinary quantitative biomedical research. The Institute seeks to foster a vibrant, cohesive community of Rutgers basic, applied, and clinical scientists committed to collaborative research, and developing next generation researchers expert in the quantitative sciences for rewarding careers working at the interface with biology and medicine.
Eastern Regional Network
The ERN was formed in 2017 with a vision to simplify and address the challenges associated with multi-campus collaborations and partnerships that advance the frontiers of research, pedagogy, and innovation. Member organizations currently number more than 35 Colleges, Universities, Consortia, Network Providers, and Cloud Service providers. Most are located within the Northeast, but several outside the region have joined to provide advice and to learn as we gain experience. The ERN is first and foremost a network of individuals who are interested in pursuing this vision; particularly those who manage, use, and support the campus and/or regional research computing and data resources, network infrastructure, and core facilities required to achieve that vision. Through a partnership of academic institutions, research facilities, regional network providers, and Internet2, the ERN is committed to providing layered and transparent access to shared data, computing, and other core facilities for research projects located at partner sites to address the growing need for a federated distributed multi-campus research platform designed to support structural biology, materials discovery, and computer science research and help meet education needs. The resulting layered approach offers research community access to a broad range of services and resources that a re not available on any one campus alone.