wwPDB Deposition, Annotation, and Validation System To Support Suppression of Entry Author Lists and Titles
Effective May 8th 2016, depositors submitting PDB data will have the option to suppress the entry's author list and title prior to public release of the structure. This functionality will be available on an opt in basis. Depositors who opt in will have their entry author list and title hidden from searches of unreleased PDB structures.
This option is being added to the wwPDB Deposition, Annotation, and Validation System at the request of the depositor community.
It is anticipated that this feature will benefit the manuscript review process. Journals will be able to request wwPDB validation reports to enable more informed referee review, while respecting depositor confidentiality. Depositors are strongly encouraged to complete their data submissions before manuscript submission to the journals. Depositors are similarly encouraged to provide the official wwPDB validation report to the journals at the time of manuscript submission.
Questions and comments should be sent to