Upcoming Meeting: ACA

From July 24-29, the RCSB PDB will be at the 2010 Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association in Chicago, IL.
- Stop by exhibition booth 108 to meet with members of the RCSB PDB and the PSI Structural Genomics Knowledgebase (PSI SGKB) and pick up many new materials. Learn about new features such as the wwPDB Validation PDFs, the latest version of pdb-extract, the Comparison Tool for sequence and structure, and much more.
- On Saturday, the Molecule of the Month's David Goodsell will be presenting at the ACA's crystallography education workshop for high school teachers called "Crystallography: World of Wonders".
- On Sunday, come to the PDB Depositors' Lunch for an update on the wwPDB Common Deposition and Annotation Tool project and to provide your input and feedback. This event will take place at noon in Michigan Room A&B. Attendees will be asked to sign in and to complete a brief survey. A light lunch will be offered (first come, first served).
- A poster describing The wwPDB Common Annotation and Deposition Tool Development will be presented on Monday.
- The RCSB
PDB Poster Prize will be awarded to recognize a student poster
presentation involving macromolecular crystallography.