
Explore Search Results Using Data Distribution Summaries


Search results organized by organism.

(Click image to enlarge)
Search results organized by organism.

RCSB PDB search results offer summary pie charts and summary links for standard characteristics of PDB entries (resolution, release date, experimental method, polymer type, organism, taxonomy) that can be used to refine search results into subsets of interest. For example, users can use these drill-down options, or 'faceted search' options, to quickly access high resolution entries from a structure type search; human-related entries from a sequence search; or most recent entries resulting from a chemical component search. Any combination of categories is possible.  These charts can be hidden for users who only want to view the individual entries.

Data distribution summaries can also be used to explore the latest weekly update of PDB entries or the entire PDB archive by clicking on the date of the latest release or the number of structures in the archive listed in the top menu bar.

For more information on this "drill-down" feature, and other recent enhancements to the website, see the What's New page.

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