Distribution of PDB Data by Protein Stoichiometry and Symmetry


Distribution of PDB Data by Protein Stoichiometry and Symmetry


Drilling down through PDB data distributions.

(Click image to enlarge)
Drilling down through PDB data distributions.

Distribution drill-downs for protein stoichiometry and symmetry (at 95% sequence identity threshold) have been added to the Explore Archive widget on the home page. The stoichiometry and symmetry information comes from the first biological assembly associated with the entry.

The drill-downs can be applied successively. For example to find C5 symmetric homo-pentameric human proteins one would use the following sequence of drill-downs:

Step 1: Protein Symmetry Cyclic
Step 2: Protein Symmetry C5
Step 3: Protein Stoichiometry Homomer
Step 4: Protein Stoichiometry A5
Step 5: Organism Homo sapiens

Drill-downs, including options for stoichiometry or symmetry, can also be used to further refine search results from the query result browser page.

Advanced Search can also be used to search for structures based on protein stoichiometry and symmetry.

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