New Paper: Trendspotting in the PDB


New Paper: Trendspotting in the PDB


A new paper from the RCSB PDB has been published that analyzes PDB data to identify developments and trends in structural biology:

Trendspotting in the Protein Data Bank

Helen M. Berman, Buvaneswari Coimbatore Narayanan, Luigi Di Costanzo, Shuchismita Dutta, Sutapa Ghosh, Brian P. Hudson, Catherine L. Lawson, Ezra Peisach, Andreas Prlić, Peter W. Rose, Chenghua Shao, Huanwang Yang, Jasmine Young, Christine Zardecki

FEBS Letters 587: 1036-1045.
doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2012.12.029

A full list of RCSB PDB publications is available.

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