Contact Customer Services with Questions and Feedback

Click on the Feedback button at the bottom of any page to submit questions and feedback. The form accepts attachments of files and screenshots. Requests are automatically entered into a tracking system.
RCSB PDB's Customer Services collects and answers questions about the website, PDB data, and structural biology. Nearly 1000 unique users initiate electronic conversations with the RCSB PDB each year. Questions and comments come from students new to structural biology, users involved in the general study of science, and domain experts from the various disciplines that utilize PDB data.
The recent re-design of the RCSB PDB website added a "Feedback" button at the bottom of each page to make it even easier to contact Customer Services. This feedback is critical, as these comments often lead to new website features and enhancements.
Let us know what you think--we would love to hear from you.
Frequently asked questions include:
Q: How can I create a report of specific characteristics across my search results?
A: This is easy to do using the "Reports" pull-down menu from the results page. You can generate a quick report (primary citations, crystallization conditions, etc.) or a custom report of the fields that are of interest to you. All reports can be downloaded as excel spreadsheets.
Q: I am wondering what several of the columns in the coordinate section of the PDB format files and several other sections of the file mean. How do I find the same information in PDBx/mmCIF format?
A: Visit the PDB format guide and the PDBx/mmCIF Dictionary Resources Page, and we can help with additional questions.
Q: I want to know more about feature X, but I don't know how. Help!
A: Sure! Many website features and enhancements have been developed in response to user requests. Recent examples include the recent implementation of the Gene View and Membrane Protein Annotation, and the ability to download citations to reference management programs.