Electron Microscopy Software


Electron Microscopy Software

Access additional resources of interest, submitted by community members.

CTFFIND Software for estimating contrast transfer function (CTF)
EMAN/EMAN2 Software for cryo-EM image processing and high-resolution 3D volume reconstruction
EPU Software for image collection
FREALIGN Software for high-resolution refinement of 3D reconstructions from cryo-EM images of single particles
Gctf Software for real-time CTF correction
ISOLDE Software for building models into moderate-to-low resolution experimental maps
Leginon System for automated collection of transmission electron microscope images
PHENIX Software for model refinement
REFMAC Software for model refinement
RELION Software for cryo-EM image processing and high-resolution 3D volume reconstruction
SerialEM Software for image collection
SPIDER Software for 3D volume reconstruction
UCSF Chimera/ChimeraX Software for macromolecule model building, fitting, and visualization
cisTEM Software for cryo-EM image processing and high-resolution 3D volume reconstruction
Coot Software for macromolecule model building and fitting
cryoSPARC Software for cryo-EM image processing and high-resolution 3D volume reconstruction
MDFF for cryo-EM Software for flexible fitting of atomic structures into density maps

Please report any encountered broken links to info@rcsb.org
Last updated: 2/23/2023