EXTENDED: Enter the 2021 CellPAINT Contest by May 6


EXTENDED: Enter the 2021 CellPAINT Contest by May 6

04/24 PDB101 News

Show us illustrations inspired by vaccines and by 50 years of the PDB coronavirus with a new version of CellPAINT. The Scripps Research Center for Computational Structural Biology (CCSB) in association with RCSB PDB is hosting an image contest. There are two categories: Science of Vaccines and 50 Years of PDB.

Images for the <B><I>Science of Vaccines</I></B> category need to be accurate and present aspects of structure and biology--create something that helps us understand vaccines and how they work.Images for the Science of Vaccines category need to be accurate and present aspects of structure and biology--create something that helps us understand vaccines and how they work.
In the <B><I>50 Years of PDB</I></B> category, let your creativity run wild with any topic that celebrates 50 years of access to biological macromolecules in the Protein Data Bank archive--create something that amazes and inspires.In the 50 Years of PDB category, let your creativity run wild with any topic that celebrates 50 years of access to biological macromolecules in the Protein Data Bank archive--create something that amazes and inspires.

Suggested resources include Molecule of the Month articles on Adenovirus, Human Papillomavirus and Vaccines, and Measles Virus Proteins; Resources to Fight the COVID-19 Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine and Passive Immunization with Convalescent Antibodies; mRNA vaccines - a new era in vaccinology (Nat Rev Drug Discov 2018); and PDB-101 resources on viruses.

Suggested resources include PDB50 materials, Structural Biology and Nobel Prizes, and Molecule of the Month articles on PDB Pioneers and Twenty Years of Molecules.

For this contest, you can submit images created using the web-based program or the stand-alone version.

A CellPAINT tutorial provides information on how to create images using the program.

Information about new molecules added to CellPAINT for drawing illustrations of mRNA vaccines like the ones being used to fight COVID-19 is available.

Contest Overview

  • The contest is open to all, with one entry per person in each category.
  • Submitted should be still images submitted in a familiar format (jpg, tiff, etc), that use CellPAINT in some or all of the image creation.
  • The contest will be judged by members of the CCSB and RCSB PDB.
  • Participants are encouraged to share their entries online with the hashtags #VaccinesByCellPAINT or #CelebratePDB, but need to submit using the online form to be considered.

Submit by May 7, 2021

Option 1: I have a Google Account

Option 2: I don't have a Google account

Winners of each category will be awarded:

A set of PDB-themed cards created by David S. Goodsell.A set of PDB-themed cards created by David S. Goodsell.


CellPAINT is software for drawing pictures of cellular and viral systems, similar to a traditional digital paint program. The shapes and sizes of molecules are based on atomic structures taken from the Protein Data Bank, and the program allows you to build membranes, add membrane-bound proteins, and fill the inside and outside with soluble proteins and other molecules (more information).

About the RCSB PDB and PDB-101

RCSB.org enables breakthroughs in scientific and biomedical research and education through tools and resources built on top of the PDB archive of 3D proteins and nucleic acids. RCSB PDB and the wwPDB are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the PDB with symposia, materials, and more.

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