Paper Published


Paper Published



A new paper describes the architectural redesign of RCSB PDB data delivery services that build on existing PDBx/mmCIF data schemas:

RCSB Protein Data Bank: Architectural Advances Towards Integrated Searching and Efficient Access to Macromolecular Structure Data from the PDB Archive
Yana Rose, Jose M. Duarte, Robert Lowe, Joan Segura, Chunxiao Bi, Charmi Bhikadiya, Li Chen, Alexander S. Rose, Sebastian Bittrich, Stephen K. Burley, John D. Westbrook
(2021) Journal of Molecular Biology 443: 166704 doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2020.11.003

Documentation is available to help users learn the concepts and syntax behind the new web services described in the publication. Use this documentation to display all of the details of a specific API request, and then run the search request and to see the response.

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